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Tigers are a popular subject of graffiti street art, and they can be depicted in a variety of styles and techniques. One common approach is to create a realistic depiction of a tiger, using shading and color to bring the animal to life. These works often incorporate intricate details such as the tiger's stripes, whiskers, and eyes, and may be created using spray paint or other media. Another approach is to create a stylized or abstract representation of a tiger, using bold lines, shapes, and colors to create a striking image. These works may be more focused on the expressive qualities of the animal, rather than its realistic appearance. Tigers can also be used as a symbol or metaphor in street art, representing power, strength, and freedom. In this context, they may be combined with other images or text to create a larger message or story. Overall, tigers are a versatile and compelling subject for graffiti street art, and their beauty and power can be expressed in many different ways through this medium.

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