
2 artworks

  • LARIVER 2050 AP HPM Giclee Print by Saber

    Saber LARIVER 2050 AP HPM Giclee Print by Saber

    LARIVER 2050 AP Artist Proof HPM Giclee Print by Saber Artwork Limited Edition Print on Deckled Fine Art Paper Hand Embellished PrintGraffiti Pop Street Artist. AP Artist Proof 2023 Signed & Marked AP Flat Matte Paint Marker Mixed Media Limited Edition Artwork Size 26x20 HPM Hand Embellished Giclee Print. "This piece was made based on the idea, "I wanted to create that moment of serenity I felt sitting on the banks, deep in the wild concrete of the LA River opposite of my old giant roller piece, watching the city as the sun had set... Yet, this time, the giant roller piece was repainted shortly after 2050. "..... Using flat matte paint markers, I could accentuate the highlights, colors, city lights, and details. I also busted out the reading glasses and hid some tiny tags in each one." -Saber. Reflecting Urban Tranquility: Saber's "LARIVER 2050 AP Artist Proof HPM Giclee Print" The "LARIVER 2050 AP Artist Proof HPM Giclee Print" by Saber stands out as a significant piece within the street pop art and graffiti art landscape, blending the aesthetics of urban graffiti with the serene backdrop of the Los Angeles River. This 2023 signed and marked Artist Proof captures a futuristic vision of the city, presenting a unique juxtaposition of natural tranquility and urban vibrancy. Sized at 26x20 inches on deckled fine art paper, the limited edition artwork showcases Saber's mastery in hand embellishing giclee prints with flat matte paint markers, emphasizing highlights, colors, and intricate city lights. Saber, a prominent figure in the graffiti world, is renowned for his large-scale works on the concrete banks of the LA River. This piece is an homage to the artist's experience of the river, reflecting on a moment of calm as he observed the city's transformation at sunset. The artwork imagines this scene in the year 2050, with the artist's "giant roller piece" from the past re-envisioned in a new form. The use of mixed media adds depth and dimension to the print, creating a dynamic interplay between the textural surface of the paper and the vibrant application of color. In crafting "LARIVER 2050," Saber has embedded minute tags within the artwork, a nod to the graffiti tradition of leaving a signature mark that personalizes and authenticates one's work. These hidden elements invite the viewer to engage with the print closely, discovering new details and layers of meaning. The hand embellishments ensure that each piece within the edition stands as a unique work of art with individualized accents and nuances. The print's portrayal of the LA River, a significant but often overlooked landmark, serves as a metaphor for the city itself—its resilience, constant flux, and hidden pockets of beauty amidst the urban sprawl. Saber's work challenges the notion of graffiti as mere vandalism, instead presenting it as a sophisticated form of street pop art that can capture and convey the complex narratives of city life. "LARIVER 2050" celebrates street art's evolution from its underground beginnings to its current status as a respected and sought-after form of contemporary art. The decision to use giclee printing, a method known for its high-quality reproduction of artworks, indicates the medium's acceptance within the fine art world. Saber's choice to hand-embellish each print further blurs the line between mass-produced art and unique creations, a line that street artists have been navigating and redefining over the past few decades. Saber's "LARIVER 2050 AP Artist Proof HPM Giclee Print" is a testament to the transformative power of street pop art and graffiti artwork. It reflects the artist's deep connection to the urban environment and his ability to capture its essence in a visually striking and emotionally resonant way. As a limited edition piece, it serves as a collector's item and a piece of cultural commentary, encapsulating the spirit of Los Angeles and the ever-evolving narrative of street art.


  • Violet HPM Color Pencil Giclee Print by Saber Violet HPM Color Pencil Giclee Print by Saber

    Saber Violet HPM Color Pencil Giclee Print by Saber

    Violet HPM Color Pencil Giclee Print by Saber Artwork Limited Edition Print on Hand Deckled Fine Art Paper Graffiti Pop Street Artist. 2023 Signed & Numbered Limited Edition of 11 Artwork Size 39x23.4 Hand Deckled HPM Color Pencil Embellished Purple Abstract Swirling Giclee Print. In the ever-evolving world of street art, few artists bridge the gap between the raw energy of graffiti and the sophisticated allure of fine art as seamlessly as Saber. With his 2023 release titled 'Violet HPM Color Pencil Giclee Print', the artist further cements his reputation as a pioneer in this hybrid genre. This stunning piece, measuring an impressive 23.4" x 39", showcases Saber's unparalleled skill in capturing the raw essence of graffiti while presenting it with the finesse of gallery-worthy art. The deep purple hues, swirling abstract patterns, and intricate embellishments on this artwork tell a story of movement and emotion. The use of color pencils to enhance certain details adds depth and vibrancy, making each of the 11 pieces in this limited edition truly unique. The hand deckling technique employed gives the artwork a raw, tactile edge, adding to its authenticity and ensuring each print is slightly distinct in its dimensions. To further the exclusivity of this edition, Saber provides a hand-painted Certificate of Authenticity with every print, reinforcing the personal touch and commitment to quality that the artist is renowned for. While the graffiti roots of Saber's work are evident in 'Violet', its presentation on fine art paper and the meticulous attention to detail elevate it to a realm often reserved for traditional art forms. This limited-edition offering from Saber not only serves as a testament to his versatility and talent but also stands as a symbol of the evolving definitions of art in the contemporary era.


Night Wave Graffiti
Graffiti art and street art have become increasingly popular in recent years as a form of creative expression that can be seen in urban environments all over the world. One interesting aspect of this art form is the use of night waves, which are a specific type of influence that can have a significant impact on the way that graffiti and street art are created. Night waves refer to the energy and inspiration that comes from being out in the city at night. This can be a particularly powerful source of creative energy for graffiti and street artists, who often work in urban environments and are inspired by the energy and atmosphere of the city. One of the key ways that night waves influence graffiti and street art is through the use of light and shadow. When working at night, artists are often forced to rely on streetlights and other sources of illumination to see what they are doing. This can create interesting visual effects, with the light and shadow playing off each other in unique and creative ways. For example, an artist might use a streetlight to create a shadow that is cast onto the wall or surface they are painting on. They can then use this shadow as a guide for their painting, creating a dynamic and interactive piece that changes depending on the time of day and the angle of the light. Another way that night waves can influence graffiti and street art is through the use of color. At night, the colors of the city can be more muted and subdued, with darker tones and shadows creating a different atmosphere than during the day. Artists may choose to work with these darker colors, creating pieces that are moody and atmospheric, or they may use brighter colors that stand out in the darkness and create a sense of energy and movement. In addition to these visual effects, night waves can also influence the content and message of graffiti and street art. The energy and atmosphere of the city at night can inspire artists to create pieces that are more political, emotional, or personal in nature. They may draw on their own experiences of the city at night, or they may be inspired by the people they see and interact with during their work. For example, an artist may create a piece that addresses issues of police brutality, social justice, or inequality, drawing on the energy and passion of the city at night to create a powerful statement. Alternatively, they may create a more personal piece that explores their own emotions and experiences, drawing on the solitude and contemplation of working alone in the darkness. Of course, working at night also comes with its own set of challenges and risks. Artists must be careful not to draw unwanted attention to themselves, and they may have to work quickly and quietly to avoid detection. They may also have to contend with weather conditions and other environmental factors that can make working at night more difficult. Despite these challenges, however, the influence of night waves on graffiti and street art is undeniable. From the use of light and shadow to the content and message of the work itself, artists are continually inspired by the energy and atmosphere of the city at night. As graffiti and street art continue to evolve and change, it will be fascinating to see how this influence continues to play out in new and creative ways.

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