
4 artworks

  • Diamond FAILEdoodle- Black/Black Silkscreen Print by Faile

    Faile Diamond FAILEdoodle- Black/Black Silkscreen Print by Faile

    Diamond FAILEdoodle- Black/Black 2-Color Hand-Pulled Limited Edition Silkscreen, Acrylic, Spraypaint, Silkscreen Ink and Glitter Print on Archival Lenox Paper by Faile Rare Street Art Famous Pop Artwork Artist. 2022 Diamond FAILEdoodle: Black/Black 19 x 25 Inches Each variant an edition of 25 Acrylic, Spraypaint, Silkscreen Ink and Glitter on Archival Lenox 100 Signed, Stamped and Embossed A new breed of Faile Dog was born last year. First found on the streets of New York this pup found its way into the studio and really came to life. We've been pushing our shimmering print process lately and this felt like the perfect print to introduce this into our practice. Four different editions, two in red glitter and two in black glitter. All stained, sprayed, painted and printed; it's all the hallmarks of a studio print now with a lot more shine. Using the words of the artists themselves, the artwork “gives a person the sense that it is there just for them. That they've stumbled across this great little gem amidst the chaos of daily life that can really speak to them. We try to build in a certain ambiguity that leaves the door open for the viewer to find themselves within the story.” This relational character of the FAILE’s art corresponds and becomes amplified by their consistent travel and lack of a permanent studio until the mid-2000s. This resulted in the duo’s embracement and utilization of urban streets and, naturally, gave the produced work a “site-specific” character since public art inevitably adjusts itself to the location of the display.


  • Diamond FAILEdoodle- Black/Tan Silkscreen Print by Faile

    Faile Diamond FAILEdoodle- Black/Tan Silkscreen Print by Faile

    Diamond FAILEdoodle- Black/Tan 2-Color Hand-Pulled Limited Edition Silkscreen, Acrylic, Spraypaint, Silkscreen Ink and Glitter Print on Archival Lenox Paper by Faile Rare Street Art Famous Pop Artwork Artist. 2022 Diamond FAILEdoodle: Black/Tan 19 x 25 Inches Each variant an edition of 25 Acrylic, Spraypaint, Silkscreen Ink and Glitter on Archival Lenox 100 Signed, Stamped and Embossed A new breed of Faile Dog was born last year. First found on the streets of New York this pup found its way into the studio and really came to life. We've been pushing our shimmering print process lately and this felt like the perfect print to introduce this into our practice. Four different editions, two in red glitter and two in black glitter. All stained, sprayed, painted and printed; it's all the hallmarks of a studio print now with a lot more shine. During the first years of its existence, the group did not work inside a studio of its own and, as a result, 1999-2005 has been a period of experimentation for them with different media of creation, as well as ways of exhibiting their work. FAILE has embraced both “traditional” media, such as painting, sculpture, and printmaking, and, at the same time, less conventional ones, for example, window pallets and even prayer wheels.


  • Diamond FAILEdoodle- Red/Black Silkscreen Print by Faile

    Faile Diamond FAILEdoodle- Red/Black Silkscreen Print by Faile

    Diamond FAILEdoodle- Red/Black 2-Color Hand-Pulled Limited Edition Silkscreen, Acrylic, Spraypaint, Silkscreen Ink and Glitter Print on Archival Lenox Paper by Faile Rare Street Art Famous Pop Artwork Artist. 2022 Diamond FAILEdoodle: Red/Black 19 x 25 Inches Each variant an edition of 25 Acrylic, Spraypaint, Silkscreen Ink and Glitter on Archival Lenox 100 Signed, Stamped and Embossed A new breed of Faile Dog was born last year. First found on the streets of New York this pup found its way into the studio and really came to life. We've been pushing our shimmering print process lately and this felt like the perfect print to introduce this into our practice. Four different editions, two in red glitter and two in black glitter. All stained, sprayed, painted and printed; it's all the hallmarks of a studio print now with a lot more shine. Using the words of the artists themselves, the artwork “gives a person the sense that it is there just for them. That they've stumbled across this great little gem amidst the chaos of daily life that can really speak to them. We try to build in a certain ambiguity that leaves the door open for the viewer to find themselves within the story.” This relational character of the FAILE’s art corresponds and becomes amplified by their consistent travel and lack of a permanent studio until the mid-2000s. This resulted in the duo’s embracement and utilization of urban streets and, naturally, gave the produced work a “site-specific” character since public art inevitably adjusts itself to the location of the display.


  • Diamond FAILEdoodle- Red/Tan Silkscreen Print by Faile

    Faile Diamond FAILEdoodle- Red/Tan Silkscreen Print by Faile

    Diamond FAILEdoodle- Red/Tan 2-Color Hand-Pulled Limited Edition Silkscreen, Acrylic, Spraypaint, Silkscreen Ink and Glitter Print on Archival Lenox Paper by Faile Rare Street Art Famous Pop Artwork Artist. 2022 Diamond FAILEdoodle: Red/Tan 19 x 25 Inches Each variant an edition of 25 Acrylic, Spraypaint, Silkscreen Ink and Glitter on Archival Lenox 100 Signed, Stamped and Embossed A new breed of Faile Dog was born last year. First found on the streets of New York this pup found its way into the studio and really came to life. We've been pushing our shimmering print process lately and this felt like the perfect print to introduce this into our practice. Four different editions, two in red glitter and two in black glitter. All stained, sprayed, painted and printed; it's all the hallmarks of a studio print now with a lot more shine. Once their artworks enter the public sphere, the viewer is invited to engage and interact with them. FAILE does not believe in a higher meaning or an absolute truth that exists outside of the audience’s perception, which eventually is encouraged to sculpt the meaning. The creative process jumps from one theme to the other, connecting everything in an intertextual delirium and, in the end, the audience takes the responsibility of interpreting it. This is, by itself, a revolutionary act of anti-elitism, since the meaning of the work can be now found in the mass’s reaction, placing FAILE in the spectrum of site-specificity and relational aesthetics.


Glitter Graffiti Street Pop Artwork

Glitter as a Medium in Street Pop Art & Graffiti Artwork

Glitter, though often dismissed as a craft supply fit for only the most frivolous projects, has found a surprisingly potent voice in street pop art and graffiti artwork. Its use transcends mere decoration; glitter becomes a tool for artists to attract attention, subvert expectations, and imbue their work with playfulness and irony. Within the urban canvas, where the grittiness of concrete walls and the somber tones of the cityscape dominate, the introduction of glitter can disrupt the visual monotony, offering a stark contrast that demands the viewer's gaze. The application of glitter in street art and graffiti is multifaceted. Some artists sprinkle it atop wet paint to add texture and sparkle, while others use it to outline figures or letters, giving their pieces a three-dimensional quality that can change with the shifting sunlight. The material's reflective properties can make a static image move or pulse—attributes that amplify the artwork's message, whether of joy, critique, or rebellion. Adding glitter can elevate a piece in an art form where visibility and memorability are currency, ensuring it stands out in an ever-growing sea of urban expression.

Historical and Cultural Significance of Glitter in Art

The history of glitter in art is as long as it is varied, with its origins tracing back to ancient cultures that used mica flakes to give paintings a shimmering appearance. In modern times, glitter has been embraced by various art movements, most notably pop art, which sought to break down the barriers between 'high' and 'low' culture. Pop artists incorporated glitter into their work to reflect the burgeoning consumer culture of the mid-20th century, a comment on the glamor and superficiality of the era. In the contemporary sphere, glitter has been reappropriated by street artists who see its potential to convey messages about materialism, fantasy, and escapism. It is particularly resonant in street pop art and graffiti artwork, where it can serve as a visual metaphor for the glitz and superficiality of popular culture. Yet, it can also be used earnestly to celebrate life and vitality in the face of urban decay. Glitter's ability to carry such dichotomous, critical, and celebratory meanings makes it a versatile and powerful medium for street artists.

Contemporary Use of Glitter in Street Art

Today's street artists employ glitter innovatively, incorporating it into stencil art, murals, and guerrilla art installations. It can often be found at the heart of interactive pieces, where the audience's participation is required to complete the work. Passersby may be encouraged to touch a glittered surface, leaving with a bit of sparkle on their fingers—a physical and symbolic act of taking a piece of the artwork with them. Environmental concerns have also prompted artists to seek biodegradable glitter, aligning their use of the material with a consciousness about its impact on the planet. This shift reflects a broader movement within the street art community towards sustainable practices as artists grapple with their role in reflecting and protecting the urban environments that serve as their canvases.

Impact and Perception of Glitter in Public Spaces

Glitter can transform public spaces, imbuing them with wonder and delight. Its use in street pop art and graffiti artwork often challenges the perception that urban art must be sad or politically charged to be taken seriously. Glitter proves that brightness and whimsy can be as potent in conveying messages and engaging the public. The reception of glitter-adorned street art varies widely, from admiration and intrigue to criticism and debate. Its inherent association with craft and decoration can undermine a piece's perceived 'seriousness.' Yet, this same quality allows the glitter to subvert traditional expectations of what street art can be. Its polarizing nature symbolizes the evolving conversations around street art and its place within the wider art world. Glitter, in its myriad colors and forms, continues to sparkle within the urban art scene, captivating and challenging viewers equally. Its presence in street pop art and graffiti artwork is a testament to the innovative spirit of street artists, who can take even the most unexpected materials and transform them into vehicles for expression, reflection, and change. Through glitter, these artists remind us that art can be as brief and fleeting as a moment of sunlight catching on a sparkly surface yet leaving an impression that lingers far beyond that transient glint.

© 2024 Sprayed Paint Art Collection,


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