Original Sculpture Fine Art

46 artworks

  • Quinqueflor Mordida #11 - Sprayed Paint Art Collection

    Canlove Quinqueflor Mordida #11 Original Recycled Spray Paint Can Sculpture by Canlove

    Quinqueflor Mordida #11 Original 100% Recycled, Hand Cut Iron Lak Aerosol Paint Can Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Canlove. 2015 Signed Original Mixed Media Spray Paint Can Paint Displayed With Custom Box Sculpture Artwork Size 8x8 Ready To Hang on Wall "We dubbed these flower creations Metaliflora and we’ve been experimenting with different shapes and forms for a few years. We challenged ourselves to create the greatest and most efficient use of one recycled spray paint can. The flower bloomed naturally. This series is partially about us returning to our roots. When we started cutting these flowers we wouldn’t paint them as we often do now. We’ve been venturing into this raw approach with some of our other work. It feels right to introduce it with this series as well.The can popping process always produces a unique pattern inside the can because as the marble moves around inside it leaves its tracks on the wet paint. Each flower is cut by hand and no two flowers are exactly alike. Each one is completely unique. And every box we shipped had a custom paint job." - Canlove


  • Quinqueflor Mordida #09 - Sprayed Paint Art Collection

    Canlove Quinqueflor Mordida #09 Original Recycled Spray Paint Can Sculpture by Canlove

    Quinqueflor Mordida #09 Original 100% Recycled, Hand Cut Iron Lak Aerosol Paint Can Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Canlove. 2015 Signed Original Mixed Media Spray Paint Can Paint Displayed With Custom Box Sculpture Artwork Size 8x8 Ready To Hang on Wall  "We dubbed these flower creations Metaliflora and we’ve been experimenting with different shapes and forms for a few years. We challenged ourselves to create the greatest and most efficient use of one recycled spray paint can. The flower bloomed naturally. This series is partially about us returning to our roots. When we started cutting these flowers we wouldn’t paint them as we often do now. We’ve been venturing into this raw approach with some of our other work. It feels right to introduce it with this series as well.The can popping process always produces a unique pattern inside the can because as the marble moves around inside it leaves its tracks on the wet paint. Each flower is cut by hand and no two flowers are exactly alike. Each one is completely unique. And every box we shipped had a custom paint job." - Canlove


  • Quinqueflor Mordida #04 - Sprayed Paint Art Collection

    Canlove Quinqueflor Mordida #04 Original Recycled Spray Paint Can Sculpture by Canlove

    Quinqueflor Mordida #04 Original 100% Recycled, Hand Cut Iron Lak Aerosol Paint Can Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Canlove. 2015 Signed Original Mixed Media Spray Paint Can Paint Displayed With Custom Box Sculpture Artwork Size 8x8 Ready To Hang on Wall  "We dubbed these flower creations Metaliflora and we’ve been experimenting with different shapes and forms for a few years. We challenged ourselves to create the greatest and most efficient use of one recycled spray paint can. The flower bloomed naturally. This series is partially about us returning to our roots. When we started cutting these flowers we wouldn’t paint them as we often do now. We’ve been venturing into this raw approach with some of our other work. It feels right to introduce it with this series as well.The can popping process always produces a unique pattern inside the can because as the marble moves around inside it leaves its tracks on the wet paint. Each flower is cut by hand and no two flowers are exactly alike. Each one is completely unique. And every box we shipped had a custom paint job." - Canlove


  • Sexphyllum Classicum #14 - Sprayed Paint Art Collection

    Canlove Sexphyllum Classicum #14 Original Recycled Spray Paint Can Sculpture by Canlove

    Sexphyllum Classicum #14 Original 100% Recycled, Hand Cut Iron Lak Aerosol Paint Can Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Canlove. 2015 Signed Original Mixed Media Spray Paint Can Paint Displayed With Custom Box Sculpture Artwork Size 8x8 Ready To Hang on Wall  "We dubbed these flower creations Metaliflora and we’ve been experimenting with different shapes and forms for a few years. We challenged ourselves to create the greatest and most efficient use of one recycled spray paint can. The flower bloomed naturally. This series is partially about us returning to our roots. When we started cutting these flowers we wouldn’t paint them as we often do now. We’ve been venturing into this raw approach with some of our other work. It feels right to introduce it with this series as well.The can popping process always produces a unique pattern inside the can because as the marble moves around inside it leaves its tracks on the wet paint. Each flower is cut by hand and no two flowers are exactly alike. Each one is completely unique. And every box we shipped had a custom paint job." - Canlove


  • Sexphyllum Classicum #03 - Sprayed Paint Art Collection

    Canlove Sexphyllum Classicum #03 Original Recycled Spray Paint Can Sculpture by Canlove

    Sexphyllum Classicum #03 Original 100% Recycled, Hand Cut Iron Lak Aerosol Paint Can Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Canlove. 2015 Signed Original Mixed Media Spray Paint Can Paint Displayed With Custom Box Sculpture Artwork Size 8x8 Ready To Hang on Wall  "We dubbed these flower creations Metaliflora and we’ve been experimenting with different shapes and forms for a few years. We challenged ourselves to create the greatest and most efficient use of one recycled spray paint can. The flower bloomed naturally. This series is partially about us returning to our roots. When we started cutting these flowers we wouldn’t paint them as we often do now. We’ve been venturing into this raw approach with some of our other work. It feels right to introduce it with this series as well.The can popping process always produces a unique pattern inside the can because as the marble moves around inside it leaves its tracks on the wet paint. Each flower is cut by hand and no two flowers are exactly alike. Each one is completely unique. And every box we shipped had a custom paint job." - Canlove


  • Salvage Can 11 Original Spray Paint Can Sculpture Painting Eddie Colla

    Eddie Colla Salvage Can 11 Original Spray Paint Can Sculpture Painting Eddie Colla

    Salvage Can 11 Original Painting on Spray Paint Can Mixed Media Sculpture Artwork by street artist graffiti legend Eddie Colla. 2018 Signed Original Spray Paint Acrylic Mixed Media on Spray Paint Can Artwork Size 3x8 "I made this series of cans in China in 2018. I had been waiting for supplies to start working on larger pieces. The residency where I was had kept all their empty spray cans. I started making these small pieces from the used spray cans. It wasn't anything I planned; I just had an unexpected amount of free time waiting for my materials to arrive, so I worked with what was available. Each can is signed and dated on the bottom of the can." -Eddie Colla Eddie Colla's Innovation in Street Art Eddie Colla's "Salvage Can 11" stands as a powerful statement within the realm of street pop art and graffiti artwork, an original painting on a spray paint can that marries mixed media techniques with the subversive energy of street art. The work is part of a series created in 2018 during a residency in China, a period that Colla describes as marked by an unexpected hiatus, waiting for art supplies, which led to the innovative use of discarded materials to create something unforeseen yet profound. Colla's "Salvage Can 11" is a testament to the spontaneous and adaptive spirit that often drives street art. Faced with a delay in his usual creative process, Colla turned to the empty spray cans available at his residency, transforming them from tools into canvases. This act of reclamation gave new life to the used cans and challenged the perception of value and utility in art materials. The resulting artwork—a signed original piece—is a mixed-media sculpture that encapsulates the essence of graffiti artwork: raw, immediate, and deeply personal. Visual Dynamics of "Salvage Can 11" The visual impact of "Salvage Can 11" is immediate and visceral. The imagery on the can is haunting, with the figure's features suggesting a blend of humanity and mask-like anonymity—a common theme in Colla's work, which often comments on identity and the individual's place within society. Using acrylic and spray paint adds texture and depth, with the stark black and purple hues commanding attention and drawing the viewer into a contemplative dialogue with the piece. Cultural Significance of Eddie Colla's Work Eddie Colla's contribution to street art extends beyond his murals and public installations. He bridges the gap between the street and the collector's space by bringing his art to a tangible, holdable medium like a spray paint can. "Salvage Can 11" embodies the transient nature of street art, while its existence as a preserved object challenges the ephemerality traditionally associated with the form. Colla's work is a reminder that street art is not confined to public spaces but is a dynamic art form that can inhabit and adapt to any context. The Resonance of the "Salvage Can" Series in Art Collecting The "Salvage Can" series holds a special place in the art collection. Each can, signed and dated by Colla, is not just an artwork but a historical piece that carries the story of its creation. Collectors of street pop art and graffiti artwork are often drawn to pieces with a narrative, and "Salvage Can 11" offers just that—a story of innovation, adaptation, and the creative process that unfolded in an artist's residency across the globe. "Salvage Can 11" is a mixed-media sculpture encapsulating Eddie Colla's innovative spirit and stature as a graffiti legend. The work is symbolic of the creativity that flourishes within the constraints of street art, highlighting Colla's ability to craft compelling narratives from unexpected circumstances. It is a prime example of how street pop art can transcend traditional boundaries and redefine what a canvas can be, inviting a broader audience to engage with the street art movement in new and meaningful ways.


  • Salvage Can 10 Original Spray Paint Can Sculpture Painting Eddie Colla

    Eddie Colla Salvage Can 10 Original Spray Paint Can Sculpture Painting Eddie Colla

    Salvage Can 10 Original Painting on Spray Paint Can Mixed Media Sculpture Artwork by street artist graffiti legend Eddie Colla. 2018 Signed Original Spray Paint Acrylic Mixed Media on Spray Paint Can Artwork Size 3x8 "I made this series of cans in China in 2018. I had been waiting for supplies to start working on larger pieces. The residency where I was had kept all their empty spray cans. I started making these small pieces from the used spray cans. It wasn't anything I planned; I just had an unexpected amount of free time waiting for my materials to arrive, so I worked with what was available. Each can is signed and dated on the bottom of the can." -Eddie Colla. Eddie Colla's Artistic Practice Eddie Colla's "Salvage Can 10" is a compelling piece that reflects the artist's adaptive creativity and resourcefulness, elements that are often at the core of street pop art and graffiti artwork. Created during a residency in China in 2018, this work is part of a series made from used spray paint cans, an example of the artist's ingenuity in repurposing materials at hand to make art. Standing at 3x8 inches, each original mixed media sculpture speaks to the improvisational spirit of street art and the artist's personal narrative. The "Salvage Can" series emerged from waiting for art supplies, showcasing Colla's ability to innovate with available resources. This circumstance led to the transformation of discarded spray cans into a medium for artistic expression. Colla's approach involved using spray paint and acrylics to craft a mixed-media sculpture that conveys a street-wise aesthetic and intricate detail. The fact that each can is signed and dated on the bottom adds authenticity and offers a tangible connection to the artist's engagement with his work. Symbolism and Technique in "Salvage Can 10" Colla's "Salvage Can 10" stands out for its haunting imagery, displaying a contemplative and intense figure. Using a spray can as a canvas is deeply symbolic within the context of graffiti art, signifying both the tool of the trade and the transient nature of the art form itself. The choice to repurpose used cans highlights themes of sustainability and the reclamation of materials, which aligns with the broader ethos of street art's ability to transform and reinvigorate urban environments. Impact on Street Art and Graffiti Culture Eddie Colla is recognized as a significant figure in the street art movement, and his "Salvage Can" series contributes to the rich tapestry of graffiti artwork. By taking an object that is so integral to the creation of street art and making it the subject of the art itself, Colla blurs the lines between tool and artwork, creator and creation. His work serves as a visual statement within the art community and as a physical artifact that embodies the process and environment in which street art is created. Collectibility of Eddie Colla's "Salvage Can" Series For collectors, each "Salvage Can" piece represents a unique slice of Eddie Colla's artistic journey. The series' creation story—borne out of a need to create with limited resources—resonates with the narrative of many street artists who often work with what they have available. This backstory, coupled with the intimate scale of the work, makes each piece desirable for those seeking to own a part of the improvisational and spontaneous energy that defines much of street pop art and graffiti artwork. "Salvage Can 10" encapsulates Eddie Colla's innovative spirit and ability to make profound statements through street art. His choice to work with used spray paint cans during an artist residency illustrates the authentic and impromptu essence that street art is known for. Each signed and original mixed media sculpture from this series is a testament to Colla's role as a graffiti legend and a creative force in contemporary art.


  • Sale -25% Bucket Head #4 Spray Paint Can - Sprayed Paint Art Collection Bucket Head #4 Spray Paint Can - Sprayed Paint Art Collection

    Ron Zakrin Bucket Head #4 Paint Can Sculpture by Ron Zakrin

    Bucket Head #4 Original Mixed-Media, Acrylic, Metal, Spraypaint Sculpture Artwork on Real Vintage Paint Can with reclaimed elements by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Ron Zakrin. “This exhibition looks to both the recent past -- how technical advances in the music industry shaped a generation -- and to the near future for motifs and possible outcomes due to developments in artificial intelligence. This expansive body of work tells a story of adaptation and the integration of technology.” - Ron Zakrin


  • Spray Can Krylon Pink I Original Cardboard Sculpture by Bill Barminski

    Bill Barminski Spray Can Krylon Pink I Original Cardboard Sculpture by Bill Barminski

    Spray Can- Krylon- Pink I Original Mixed-Media Spray Paint Acrylic on Cardboard Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Bill Barminski. 2020 Signed Dupont Spray Paint Can Made of Cardboard and Hand Painted Original. "Please enjoy this set of artworks created during the lockdown. Even the Cyclops are wearing a mask these days. Since I work in my home studio my day-to-day is very much the same - except for the overarching sense of doom we all feel. But that’s why I make art - to escape that. I always feel better when I’m making things. Enjoy." -Bill Barminski


  • Mannequin 3 Art Sculpture by Denial- Daniel Bombardier Mannequin 3 Art Sculpture by Denial- Daniel Bombardier

    Denial- Daniel Bombardier Mannequin 3 Art Sculpture by Denial- Daniel Bombardier

    Mannequin 3 Original Mixed Media Sculpture Mannequin Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Denial. 2013 Signed Original Sculpture Covered with Hundreds of Custom Brand Stickers Artwork Size 51x26. Canadian artist Denial and Australian-born Ben Frost have joined forces in a bold exhibition of new work that explores the boundaries of appropriation in confronting re-imaginings of our current dystopian society. In the dynamic intersection of street pop art and graffiti artwork, the 'Mannequin 3' original mixed media sculpture by the artist known as Denial stands as a compelling commentary on consumer culture and the saturation of branding in modern life. This 2013 signed original sculpture is a profound exploration of identity and materialism, meticulously covered with hundreds of custom brand stickers, each a testament to the pervasive reach of commercial influence. Denial, a Canadian artist, has built a reputation for his thought-provoking works that often incorporate elements of pop art with a twist of subversion, challenging viewers to reconsider their surroundings and the messages they are bombarded with daily. This particular piece, with its life-sized mannequin form, becomes a canvas that reflects our society's obsession with brands and the commodification of human identity. The mannequin is transformed into a mosaic of commercial logos, each sticker meticulously placed to create a tapestry that is both familiar and unsettling. This sculpture symbolizes the artist's style, which often merges humor with critique and blurs the lines between high and low culture. By appropriating the very symbols of the consumerist society, Denial forces a dialogue on the value we place on brand identities and their invasive presence in our lives. The artwork's size, 51x26, gives it a presence that cannot be ignored, dominating the space and demanding contemplation. Through 'Mannequin 3', Denial, in collaboration with Ben Frost, an Australian-born artist known for his provocative work, invites viewers to navigate the complexities of appropriation and the role of branding in our understanding of the world. The sculpture is not just an object of art; it is a statement on the state of our society—a society in which the line between person and product is increasingly blurred.


  • Sale -25% Train 6 HO Graffiti Train Art Toy Sculpture by LushSux

    LushSux Train 6 HO Graffiti Train Art Toy Sculpture by LushSux

    Train 6 Original Acrylic on HO Scale Model Train Box-Car Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist LushSux. 2014 Signed Original Graffiti Tag/Throw Up Painting on HO Model Train Car Artwork Size 14x3. Lush is a male model and sometimes an international graffiti asshole. Dissecting "Train 6" by LushSux: A Miniature World of Graffiti Art "Train 6" is a fascinating piece in the collection of works by the graffiti street artist LushSux, known for his unapologetic and often contentious approach to modern pop art. This particular artwork is an original piece from 2014, featuring a vibrant graffiti tag applied to an HO-scale model train box car. The piece measures 14x3 inches, demanding meticulous attention to detail and a steady hand to maintain the integrity of the graffiti art style on such a small scale. This work is a signature example of street pop art, a genre that fuses the raw, energetic aesthetics of street art with the mass culture appeal of pop art. LushSux's Innovative Approach to Street Art on Model Trains LushSux, an Australian artist whose work has been lauded and criticized, operates within the global street art scene, bringing his work into the public eye and often sparking debate. His choice to utilize a model train as a canvas for "Train 6" is emblematic of his innovative approach to street art, as it encapsulates graffiti's ethos in a form traditionally associated with precision and nostalgia rather than the subversive nature of street art. The work showcases LushSux's dynamic style, characterized by bold lines and striking colors, which command attention despite the diminutive size of the canvas. Through this medium, LushSux challenges the viewer's perception of where street art can exist, suggesting that any object can become a vessel for artistic expression. The Cultural and Artistic Significance of "Train 6" "Train 6" is more than just a piece of art; it is a cultural artifact that bridges the gap between the underground world of street art and the more conventional hobby of model train collecting. LushSux's tag on the model train brings a piece of the street into a different context, inviting viewers to reconsider the boundaries of street pop art and graffiti artwork. By signing the piece, LushSux affirms the artwork's authenticity and value, positioning it as a collectible item within the art world and the subculture of model train enthusiasts. The painting represents a confluence of subcultures, serving as a testament to street art's versatility and expansive reach. Through pieces like "Train 6", LushSux continues to provoke, entertain, and elevate the status of street art in the contemporary art scene.  


  • Sale -25% Train 21 HO Graffiti Train Art Toy Sculpture by LushSux

    LushSux Train 21 HO Graffiti Train Art Toy Sculpture by LushSux

    Train 21 Original Acrylic on HO Scale Model Train Box-Car Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Lush. 2014 Signed Original Graffiti Tag/Throw Up Painting on HO Model Train Car Artwork Size 14x3. Lush is a male model and sometimes an international graffiti asshole. Exploring "Train 21" by Lush: A Convergence of Model Hobbyism and Graffiti Art The street artist Lush's artwork "Train 21" represents a unique intersection of model train hobbyism and street art, infusing the meticulous world of HO-scale trains with graffiti's vibrant, spontaneous energy. Created in 2014, this piece stands out as an original acrylic work on a model train box-car, representing a form of street pop art rarely seen within the confines of a graffiti artist's usual urban environment. Lush, an artist whose candid self-description as an "international graffiti asshole" hints at his irreverent approach to both his craft and public perception, brings his flair for the unconventional to the rather conservative domain of model railroading with "Train 21." Lush's Graffiti Artistry on a Miniature Scale The art piece "Train 21" is a testament to Lush's ability to adapt the scale and finesse of his street art to the tiny proportions of a model train car. Measuring just 14x3 inches, this work encapsulates the essence of graffiti artwork—traditionally associated with large, expansive spaces—into the compact and controlled form of a model train, a famous collector's item. This fusion of a traditionally urban art form with a suburban pastime challenges preconceived notions of what mediums street art can occupy. Lush's signature style, characterized by bold tags and vivid, throw-up paintings, finds a new canvas on the sides of the model train car, bringing the rebellious spirit of street art into the precise and often pristine world of model train enthusiasts. Collectibility and Cultural Significance of "Train 21" As an original work signed by Lush, "Train 21" holds a place of significance within the street art community and among collectors of unique art pieces. The graffiti tag painted onto the HO model train car transforms the piece from a mere collectible into a statement, a narrative about the fusion of disparate worlds. Through such works, Lush has carved out a reputation for himself—not just as a street artist but as a modern pop artist who dares to redefine the boundaries of his genre. Signing the piece solidifies its status as a work of art, granting it a sense of authenticity and value in the eyes of art collectors and enthusiasts. "Train 21" is more than a model; it is a microcosm of Lush's artistic journey, encapsulating his bold approach to street pop art and graffiti artwork within the miniature confines of a model train car.  


  • Sale -25% Train 24 HO Graffiti Train Art Toy Sculpture by LushSux

    LushSux Train 24 HO Graffiti Train Art Toy Sculpture by LushSux

    Train 24 is an original acrylic on HO Scale model train box-car sculpture artwork by graffiti street artist and modern pop artist LushSux. 2014 Signed Original Graffiti Tag/Throw Up Painting on HO Model Train Car Artwork Size 14x3. Lush is a male model and sometimes an international graffiti asshole. Introducing "Train 24" by LushSux: A Canvas on Rails "Train 24" emerges as a distinct piece within the oeuvre of the audacious street artist LushSux. Known for his exquisite murals and daring street pop art, LushSux transitions his artistry onto an unconventional medium—an HO-scale model train box-car—melding the meticulous craft of model train enthusiasts with the rebellious streak of graffiti art. Signed and created in 2014, this original piece represents the scale-defying nature of graffiti art, demonstrating that the spirit of this street-bound art form can be encapsulated within the 14x3 inches of a model train. LushSux's Signature Style in Miniature Form The artwork "Train 24" features a graffiti tag, commonly called a throw-up, characterized by its bubbly letters and quick execution—a style that is a staple in LushSux's street art repertoire. The vibrant pink hue of the tag punctuates the otherwise subdued palette of the model train car, drawing the eye and challenging the viewer's perception of space and art. In bringing his craft to such a miniature scale, LushSux blurs the lines between the subversive nature of graffiti and the controlled precision of model train painting. The tag, sprawled across the length of the train, becomes a moving narrative, a literal vehicle for the artist's expression. The Artistic and Collectible Value of "Train 24" "Train 24" stands not only as a piece of modern pop art but also as a coveted collectible item within the subculture of model train collecting. Fusing this niche hobby with the dynamic world of street art creates a cross-cultural artifact that appeals to a diverse group of collectors and enthusiasts. As an original signed by LushSux, the piece carries the weight of authenticity and the prestige of ownership that is highly sought after in both the art world and the model train community. This work is a testament to LushSux's versatility as an artist and to the expansive possibilities of graffiti artwork as a genre that continues to challenge and redefine itself. "Train 24" is a locomotive sculpture that symbolizes the journey of street pop art from the fringes into the spotlight of mainstream collectibility and artistic recognition.  


  • Sale -25% Train 34 HO Graffiti Train Art Toy Sculpture by LushSux

    LushSux Train 34 HO Graffiti Train Art Toy Sculpture by LushSux

    Train 34 Original Acrylic on HO Scale Model Train Box-Car Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist LushSux. 2014 Signed Original Graffiti Tag/Throw Up Painting on HO Model Train Car Artwork Size 14x3. Lush is a male model and sometimes an international graffiti asshole. The Fusion of Model Trains and Street Art in LushSux's "Train 34" In the eclectic domain of street pop art and graffiti artwork, "Train 34" stands out as a testament to LushSux's innovative approach to the genre. This piece, a marriage of a classic HO scale model train box-car with the raw vibrancy of graffiti art, showcases the artist's signature style. Created in 2014, the original acrylic work is not confined to a traditional canvas; it explores form and space, blurring the lines between sculpture and painting. LushSux, an artist from Australia, is known for his often controversial and boundary-pushing works in public spaces. However, in "Train 34," he redirects his creative expression to the controlled confines of a model train, an object often associated with precision and collectibility, now transformed into a moving canvas that conveys the rebellious spirit of street art. LushSux: Bringing Graffiti into Unconventional Spaces LushSux's decision to tag a model train car symbolizes the ingenuity inherent in street art culture. LushSux challenges the expectations of where street art can exist and what it can adorn by choosing an HO-scale train, a beloved item among model train enthusiasts. The work features a graffiti tag or throw-up painting, a style characterized by quick execution and often used by graffiti artists to mark territory. Yet, when applied to a model train, the artwork transcends territorial claims and enters the realm of collectible art. The size of the piece, 14x3, is modest, yet it commands attention with its bright colors and bold design, echoing the larger-than-life presence of LushSux's full-scale works. Significance of "Train 34" in Contemporary Art Collectibles "Train 34" represents a convergence of subculture and hobbyist culture, reflecting the increasing acceptance and celebration of graffiti art within mainstream collectibles. This piece, hand-painted and signed by LushSux, is a one-off creation that captures the essence of street pop art—transient by nature yet immortalized through the permanence of model craftsmanship. The work's unique blend of a traditional pastime with the urban art form makes it a standout addition to the oeuvre of LushSux, whose reputation as both a male model and self-described "international graffiti asshole" underscores his multifaceted identity as an artist. Through works like "Train 34," LushSux continues to push the boundaries of street art, inviting us to reconsider the contexts in which art can be appreciated and challenging the preconceived notions of what constitutes a canvas.  


  • Sale -25% Train 39 HO Graffiti Train Art Toy Sculpture by LushSux

    LushSux Train 39 HO Graffiti Train Art Toy Sculpture by LushSux

    Train 39 Original Acrylic on HO Scale Model Train Box-Car Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist LushSux. 2014 Signed Original Graffiti Tag/Throw Up Painting on HO Model Train Car Artwork Size 14x3. Lush is a male model and sometimes an international graffiti asshole.  "Train 39" by LushSux: A Model of Street Art Innovation "Train 39" is a captivating work by the contemporary street and pop artist LushSux, who has carved a unique niche in the urban art scene. This original piece, created in 2014, is a prime example of how LushSux transposes the essence of graffiti onto an HO-scale model train box-car, measuring a mere 14x3 inches. Through this work, LushSux continues challenging the conventional perceptions of graffiti by taking the once exclusively urban art form into new and unexpected domains. The signature of LushSux not only authenticates the piece but also denotes his dual identity as both a street artist and a self-proclaimed "international graffiti asshole," a testament to his tongue-in-cheek approach to his public persona. Exploring the Dichotomy of "Train 39" In "Train 39," LushSux juxtaposes the orderly world of model train collecting with graffiti art's often chaotic and free-spirited nature. The artwork features a vibrant tag or "throw-up," characterized by its bubbly letters and bold, outlined edges—a hallmark of LushSux's style. The interplay of colors and the strategic placement of the tag disrupt the traditional aesthetics of the model train, infusing it with a contemporary edge that is both striking and thought-provoking. This piece exemplifies how street pop art can extend beyond the walls of city buildings and into the more intimate spaces of personal collections, retaining its power to engage and challenge viewers. The Cultural Resonance of LushSux's "Train 39" The creation of "Train 39" and its subsequent release into the art market underscores the evolving nature of street pop art as a cultural expression. The piece reflects a broader trend in contemporary art, where the lines between high art and subcultural expressions continue to blur. LushSux's work on this model train encapsulated a moment in the street art movement when artists began seeking new frontiers and mediums. As a collectible, "Train 39" represents the intersection of various enthusiast communities, from graffiti aficionados to model train collectors, showcasing the universal appeal of LushSux's artistry. Through his innovative use of unconventional canvases, LushSux expands the reach of graffiti artwork, ensuring its presence is felt across diverse cultural landscapes.  


  • Block Boys Blok Boy Teal Blue Red Flowers Epoxy Sculpture by Devin James Block Boys Blok Boy Teal Blue Red Flowers Epoxy Sculpture by Devin James

    Devin James Block Boys Blok Boy Teal Blue Red Flowers Epoxy Sculpture by Devin James

    Block Boys- Blok Boy- Teal Blue Red Flowers Original Epoxy Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Devin James. 2021 Signed COA Lego Sculpture Artwork Size 6x11 Block Boys with Red Flower in Teal Blue, Original Blok Boy Lego Man. The Aesthetic Fusion in Blok Boy Devin James, a renowned figure in the world of street pop art and graffiti artwork, presents a striking addition to the art scene with "Boys- Blok Boy- Teal Blue Red Flowers," an original epoxy sculpture artwork that resonates deeply with the playful yet reflective essence of modern pop art. This piece, signed and accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity, stands out with its bold dimensions of 6x11 inches. The "Blok Boy" Lego Man sculpture encapsulates the whimsical nature of childhood toys while embedding the sophisticated depth of contemporary art. Crafted in 2021, this sculpture artfully merges the iconic simplicity of the Lego form with the complexity of human nature, signifying a juxtaposition that street pop art so often seeks to explore. The teal blue hue of the piece is not merely a choice of color but a narrative vehicle, conveying a sense of tranquility and depth akin to the ocean. Within this serene expanse, bursts of red—manifested as flowers—introduce a dynamic element of contrast, symbolizing passion, vibrancy, and life. Incorporating these red flowers disrupts the monochrome and injects a layer of emotional intensity into the sculpture, echoing the human experiences of conflict, beauty, and growth. The choice of epoxy as the medium for "Boys- Blok Boy" is deliberate, allowing for a luminous finish that gives the artwork an almost lifelike presence. The clarity of the material captures and plays with light, giving the sculpture an ever-changing appearance that depends on its environmental context. In this way, the artwork reflects street pop art's dynamic and evolving nature, which is inherently responsive to its surroundings. Symbolism in Street Pop Art The "Blok Boy" serves as a canvas upon which Devin James has masterfully illustrated themes of nostalgia and modernity. The Lego figure, a staple in the pantheon of childhood playthings, is repurposed here as an emblem of innocence and creativity. Yet, the transformation of this toy into a piece of high art indicates a loss of innocence and a bridge to the complexities of adulthood. This is the essence of street pop art—taking the familiar and everyday objects and elevating them to express deeper societal narratives. The interplay of the teal blue with the red flowers within "Blok Boy" also speaks to the graffiti artwork tradition of using vibrant visuals to make bold statements. Graffiti artists have long used the urban landscape as their canvas, often employing stark color contrasts to highlight their messages. Devin James brings this principle into the three-dimensional realm, using color to draw the viewer into a dialogue with the piece. Reflection of the Artist in the Artwork Beyond the aesthetic and symbolic qualities of the sculpture, "Boys- Blok Boy- Teal Blue Red Flowers" is also a reflection of Devin James himself. Known for his distinctive style that marries street art with a polished modern pop art aesthetic, James creates works that are both accessible and profound. His signature lies in his ability to imbue his pieces with layers of meaning, often prompting the viewer to reflect on the intersection of youth and the adult world, playfulness and seriousness, simplicity, and complexity. In this sculpture, James' own experiences and perspectives are distilled into the form of the "Blok Boy." The artwork becomes a conversation piece, prompting discussions about the role of art in public spaces, the commodification of childhood memories, and the potential of street art to infiltrate and enhance the world of fine art. James continues to challenge and redefine the boundaries of street pop art and graffiti artwork through this piece. "Boys- Blok Boy- Teal Blue Red Flowers" is a testament to the evolving narrative of street pop art and graffiti artwork. Through his skillful manipulation of form, color, and medium, Devin James presents a sculpture that is both a playful nod to childhood and a profound commentary on the human condition. The artwork is a vibrant fusion of toy and totem, a physical manifestation of the ethos of street pop art—rooted in the urban yet reaching towards the universal.


  • SECHOR train #2 - Sprayed Paint Art Collection

    Sechor SECHOR Train #2 Graffiti Sculpture by Sechor

    SECHOR train #2 Original Acrylic on HO Scale Model Train Box-Car Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Sechor. 2021 Signed, 7x2 inches, Custom painted Vintage ho scale train with acrylic paint.


  • Stoned Eye Shrine Moonrock Sculpture by Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski Stoned Eye Shrine Moonrock Sculpture by Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski

    Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski Stoned Eye Shrine Moonrock Sculpture by Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski

    Stoned Eye Shrine Moonrock Original One of a Kind Handmade & Painted Mini Nuggs Art Toy Collectible Artwork by Cannabis Artists Nug Life NY. 2021 Signed Original Mixed Media Marijuana Sculpture Artwork. "Stoned Eye Shrines exist all over Nugglife. From the jungles, oceans, the deep north, to the vast Kief deserts, ancient pyramids are tucked away with two Eye Nuggs. These shrines help bring smokers, growers, and nugmads together. From seeking knowledge to just taking a smoke break, great wonders are to come to those who take the time to appreciate them. They only open up to those who truly believe. Word around the town is these ancient relics were used by Aliens to communicate to other worlds. Each one is sculpted from scratch, with resin features. The plants are hand-made from wire and clay. Everything is hand-painted and dipped in our signature Kief mixture. 4 x 3.5 x 3 Inches and comes boxed" - Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski


  • Internal Growth Frames Orange Original Acrylic Sculpture by Jenna Morello Internal Growth Frames Orange Original Acrylic Sculpture by Jenna Morello

    Jenna Morello Internal Growth Frames Orange Original Acrylic Sculpture by Jenna Morello

    Internal Growth Frames- Orange Original Mixed Media Resin & Flower Sculpture Artwork by graffiti Street Artist Jenna Morello Modern Pop Artwork. 2021 Signed One of a Kind Framed Original Art Pill Individually framed Internal Growth pill. The pill is cast with real elements from nature. Measures 5 x 3 3/4 x 2 inches Museum-quality frame, comes signed.


  • Modern Bouquet 3.0 Royalty Original Acrylic Sculpture by Jenna Morello Modern Bouquet 3.0 Royalty Original Acrylic Sculpture by Jenna Morello

    Jenna Morello Modern Bouquet 3.0 Royalty Original Acrylic Sculpture by Jenna Morello

    Modern Bouquet 3.0- Royalty Original Mixed-Media Concrete Resin & Rose Flower Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Jenna Morello. 2021 Original One-of-A-Kind Rose Sculpture Signed By Concrete Stamp. Real roses are forever preserved in resin cast in concrete. Measures 3x3x3. Each comes with a stamped seal of authenticity. Intersection of Modernity and Timelessness in Street Pop Art The "Modern Bouquet 3.0 - Royalty" by Jenna Morello is a quintessential representation of how street pop art and graffiti continuously push the boundaries of traditional art forms. This original mixed-media work is a testament to the enduring dialogue between the ephemeral nature of street art and the permanence of sculpture. By encapsulating a natural rose, forever preserved in resin and set within a concrete matrix, Morello creates a striking contrast between the fragility of organic life and the resilience of artificial materials. Her artwork measures 3x3x3 inches, a compact size that belies the depth of its conceptual foundation. For collectors and enthusiasts, "Modern Bouquet 3.0 - Royalty" represents an opportunity to engage with a piece of art that embodies the ethos of street pop art within a tangible form. Unlike ephemeral graffiti that may be painted over or fade with time, this sculpture offers a permanent artifact of the artist's expression. The compact size invites personal interaction, allowing for a closer inspection of the intricate details and the interplay of materials, much like the intimate experience of finding a hidden piece of street art in an urban alley. In modern art, Morello's sculpture is a beacon of the innovative potential inherent in street pop art and graffiti artwork. It embodies the genre's evolving nature, demonstrating that the street art ethos can transcend traditional canvas and wall spaces to create new forms of expression that challenge our perceptions of art and its role in society. Modern Bouquet 3.0 - Royalty Symbolism and Craftsmanship in Jenna Morello's Work Morello's work is a thoughtful meditation on the passage of time and the preservation of beauty. Using a natural rose suggests a snapshot of nature's transient beauty, while its encasement in resin hints at a desire to hold onto moments destined to fade. The concrete's stark, industrial texture opposes the delicate rose, creating a multifaceted symbol of the urban environment's intrusion into natural life. This piece, signed by a concrete stamp, further authenticates the artwork, anchoring it in the physical world, much like graffiti tags capture the artist's presence within the urban landscape. This artwork resonates within the street pop art and graffiti sphere by using common urban materials and presenting a familiar yet subverted object – the bouquet. Typically given to express affection, the rose is recontextualized here as a commentary on the artistic process, wherein street artists often leave beauty in unexpected places. Each sculpture with a stamped seal of authenticity mirrors the authenticity sought by street artists who leave their unique signatures on public spaces. Morello's piece captures the essence of street pop art's ability to find harmony in contradiction, melding the organic with the synthetic, the temporary with the enduring.


  • Ice Blue Dynamite Bundle Original Acrylic Sculpture by Jenna Morello Ice Blue Dynamite Bundle Original Acrylic Sculpture by Jenna Morello

    Jenna Morello Ice Blue Dynamite Bundle Original Acrylic Sculpture by Jenna Morello

    Ice Blue Dynamite Bundle Original Mixed-Media Acrylic Resin Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Jenna Morello. 2021 Hand cast from real dynamite Sculpture measures approximately 8 inches Each stick comes embossed with an authentic logo Exploring the Ice Blue Dynamite Bundle by Jenna Morello The convergence of street art and modern pop art often brings forth innovative and captivating creations, and Jenna Morello's Ice Blue Dynamite Bundle is a testament to this artistic synergy. This original mixed-media sculpture is a bold statement in the landscape of contemporary art, resonating with the vibrancy and rebellious spirit characteristic of both street and pop art genres. Crafted in 2021, Morello's sculpture is a hand-cast replica of absolute dynamite, showcasing the artist's adeptness in working with unconventional materials and subjects. Each piece within the bundle measures approximately 8 inches, a size that captures attention without overwhelming the viewer. The choice of ice blue for the dynamite is striking and symbolizes a fusion of danger and calm, a standard thematic contrast in street pop art and graffiti artwork. A significant aspect of Morello's work is the authentic logo embossed on each stick of dynamite, which not only attests to the piece's originality but adds a layer of authenticity to the artwork. Logos and branding are integral to pop art, and by incorporating them into her sculptures, Morello acknowledges their power and prevalence in our culture. The sculpture's surface, finished with acrylic and resin, gives it a lustrous sheen that preserves and enhances the color. This use of resin is particularly notable in street art, as it evokes the glossy finish of fresh paint on urban walls, bridging the gap between gallery pieces and outdoor murals. Jenna Morello: A Modern Pop Artist with Street Credibility Jenna Morello is a name that resonates within graffiti and street art. Her works often navigate the complex interplay between street culture and fine art, bringing a unique perspective. The Ice Blue Dynamite Bundle clearly indicates her ability to transcend traditional artistic boundaries and venture into the experimental and often provocative domain of street pop art. By hand-casting sculptures from objects as charged and unexpected as dynamite, Morello contributes to the discourse on using art as a medium for commentary and societal reflection. In the hands of Morello, what could be perceived as a symbol of destruction is transformed into an object of aesthetic and intellectual contemplation. The Ice Blue Dynamite Bundle by Jenna Morello is more than a sculptural set; it embodies street pop art's disruptive and unapologetic nature and graffiti artwork. It challenges the viewer to reconsider the meaning of everyday objects and their place within the art world. Morello's choice of dynamite, an item inherently linked to explosive change, mirrors street art's impact on the public's perception of what constitutes art. Like much of street pop art, this piece occupies a unique niche; it is both contemporary in its aesthetic and traditional in its craftsmanship. The tactile nature of the sculpture invites viewers to engage with the artwork beyond the visual, to understand the weight and texture of the materials — a sensory experience often associated with street art. Jenna Morello's Ice Blue Dynamite Bundle is a striking example of the dynamic and thought-provoking work that defines street pop art and graffiti artwork. Through her innovative use of materials and themes, Morello continues to push the boundaries of what can be achieved in the ever-evolving landscape of modern pop art.


  • Graffiti Tagged Brachiosaurus Reclaimed Art Toy by RD-357 Real Deal Graffiti Tagged Brachiosaurus Reclaimed Art Toy by RD-357 Real Deal

    RD-357 Real Deal Graffiti Tagged Brachiosaurus Reclaimed Art Toy by RD-357 Real Deal

    Graffiti Tagged Brachiosaurus Original Spray Paint & Acrylic on Plastic Dinosaur Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist RD-357. 2012 RD-357 Graffiti Spray Paint & Acrylic on Reclaimed/Upcycled (RD-357's Child's) Dinosaur Artwork Signed 9.5x3 The Innovative Fusion of Street Pop Art and Play: RD-357's Graffiti Tagged Brachiosaurus RD-357, a modern graffiti street artist, has been known for his innovative approach to street pop art and graffiti artwork, blurring the lines between traditional street art mediums and everyday objects. In 2012, RD-357 embarked on a project that would further cement his reputation as a pioneer in the field, taking on the challenge of transforming a plastic dinosaur sculpture into a piece of contemporary art. The result was the "Graffiti Tagged Brachiosaurus," a unique synthesis of playful nostalgia and the gritty aesthetic of street art, encapsulating the essence of RD-357's creative vision. This artwork is a striking example of how RD-357 repurposes and reimagines found objects, such as a reclaimed toy from his child's collection, and imbues them with new life through street art. Once a simple plastic figure, the Brachiosaurus stands redefined by the bold graffiti tags and vibrant splashes of spray paint and acrylic. At 9.5x3 inches, the sculpture is modest in size but grand in its artistic statement, signed by the artist himself, serving as a hallmark of authenticity and a personal touch from the artist's own life. RD-357's Artistic Process: Marrying Childhood Innocence with Street-Savvy Creating the "Graffiti Tagged Brachiosaurus" involved a meticulous application of spray paint and acrylic, techniques well-versed in the graffiti art scene. RD-357 has taken the familiar form of the Brachiosaurus and layered it with complex patterns and symbols that are intrinsic to the visual language of street pop art. The dinosaur's textured skin becomes a canvas for a dynamic interplay of colors and shapes, with each tag and stroke of paint adding to the narrative that RD-357 constructs. This narrative is one of juxtaposition - the innocence of a child's toy contrasted against graffiti's edgy and often transgressive nature. The Brachiosaurus, a creature from a bygone era, is recontextualized through RD-357's art as a contemporary cultural artifact. By taking an object associated with the past and childhood and merging it with the modern urban art form of graffiti, RD-357 makes a statement about the enduring nature of art, creativity, and expression. The graffiti tags are not just markings; they are the artist's language, speaking to themes of transformation, reinvention, and reclaiming spaces and objects for art. Legacy and Influence: RD-357's Contribution to Street Pop Art The "Graffiti Tagged Brachiosaurus" is not merely an artwork; it is a testament to RD-357's innovative spirit and ability to see the potential for art in the unlikeliest places. It symbolizes street pop art's versatility and boundless nature, where any surface can become a masterpiece, and any object can tell a story. RD-357's work challenges the viewer to see beyond the conventional and to appreciate the beauty and complexity that can arise when street art intersects with the objects of our everyday lives. RD-357's contribution to street pop art and graffiti artwork is significant, as he consistently pushes the envelope with each project he undertakes. The Brachiosaurus, once a simple figure meant for play, now carries the weight of artistic innovation and cultural commentary, thanks to the artist's vision and skill. RD-357's artworks, particularly this unique sculpture, resonate with a broad audience, from art collectors to street culture enthusiasts, and inspire new approaches to street pop art. Through the "Graffiti Tagged Brachiosaurus," RD-357 expands the dialogue around what constitutes a canvas and where art can exist. His bold transformation of a plastic toy into a piece of street pop art showcases his talent and invites us to reconsider our perceptions of play, art, and the spaces in between. The sculpture is a vibrant example of the potential for street art to transcend traditional boundaries and enter into new realms of creative expression.


  • Sale -25% Word Original Mixed Media Sculpture by Skewville Word Original Mixed Media Sculpture by Skewville

    Skewville Word Original Mixed Media Sculpture by Skewville

    Word Original Mixed Media Wood & Construction Fencing Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Skewville. Word, early 21st century Wood and plastic 80 x 27 x 3-3/4 inches (203.2 x 68.6 x 9.5 cm) Signed in ink to reverse. 2007 Mild surface soiling; a bit of organic debris in a few corners.


  • 30 Perceptions of a Tiger 23 Gold Sculpture by Violeta Hernandez 30 Perceptions of a Tiger 23 Gold Sculpture by Violeta Hernandez

    Violeta Hernandez 30 Perceptions of a Tiger 23 Gold Sculpture by Violeta Hernandez

    30 Perceptions of a Tiger- 23 Gold Original Handmade and Hand-painted High-temperature Ceramic Figure with White Gold Luster Sculpture Artwork by graffiti street artist modern pop artist Violeta Hernandez. 2022 Original Ceramic Sculpture Artwork Size 5.7x5.7 Signed Original Type: Handmade and Hand-painted High-temperature Ceramic Figure with White Gold Luster Size: 5.7 x 5.7 x 3.7 Inches (14.5 x 14.5 x 9.5 cm) Release: January 17, 2022


  • Untitled Box Car Graffiti Train Art Toy Sculpture by Sweet Toof Untitled Box Car Graffiti Train Art Toy Sculpture by Sweet Toof

    Sweet Toof Untitled Box Car Graffiti Train Art Toy Sculpture by Sweet Toof

    Untitled Box Car Graffiti Original Acrylic Paint on Train Sculpture Artwork by Street Artist Modern Pop Artist Sweet Toof. 2021 Signed Original Tagged Acrylic Train Box Car Size 17x6x4.5 Untitled, 2021 Acrylic on plastic train model 6 x 17 x 4-1/2 inches (15.2 x 43.2 x 11.4 cm) Signed in ink to underside of train and right side of the box


  • Macabre Goth Mouse Original Acrylic Mache Sculpture by Justin Aerni Macabre Goth Mouse Original Acrylic Mache Sculpture by Justin Aerni

    Justin Aerni Macabre Goth Mouse Original Acrylic Mache Sculpture by Justin Aerni

    Macabre Goth Mouse Original Acrylic Paint Paper Mache Sculpture Artwork by Low Brow Artist Justin Aerni. 2011 Signed Original Mouse Paper Mache Masking Tape Acrylic Sculpture 7x5


  • Moonrock Shrine- Moonrock Edition Part 2 Sculpture by Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski Moonrock Shrine- Moonrock Edition Part 2 Sculpture by Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski

    Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski Moonrock Shrine- Moonrock Edition Part 2 Sculpture by Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski

    Moonrock Shrine- Moonrock Edition Part 2 Original One of a Kind Handmade & Painted Mini Nuggs Art Toy Collectible Artwork by Cannabis Artists Nug Life NY. 2022 Signed Original Mixed Media Marijuana Sculpture Artwork. "Stoned Eye Shrines exist all over Nugglife. From the jungles, oceans, the deep north, to the vast Kief deserts, ancient pyramids are tucked away with two Eye Nuggs. These shrines help bring smokers, growers, and nugmads together. From seeking knowledge to just taking a smoke break, great wonders are to come to those who take the time to appreciate them. They only open up to those who truly believe. Word around the town is these ancient relics were used by Aliens to communicate to other worlds. Each one is sculpted from scratch, with resin features. The plants are hand-made from wire and clay. Everything is hand-painted and dipped in our signature Kief mixture. 4 x 3.5 x 3 Inches and comes boxed" - Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski


  • 5oz the Real OG #1 Original Canbot Canbot - Sprayed Paint Art Collection 5oz the Real OG #1 Original Canbot Canbot - Sprayed Paint Art Collection

    Czee13 5oz the Real OG #1 Original Canbot Canz Art Toy by Czee13

    5oz the Real OG #1 Original Canbot Canz Original Hand Painted One of a Kind Spray Paint on Resin Art Toy Collectible Artwork by Pop Culture Artist Czee13. 2022 Signed Spray Paint Original Hand Painting on Canbot Canz 5oz Resin-cast crushed can design by Czee13. Cast in solid resin and hand-painted by Czee13. One-of-one.


  • Spraycan Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago Spraycan Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Rek Santiago Spraycan Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Spraycan Art Train Original All City Style Subway Painting on Wall Sculpture Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist Artist Rek Santiago. 2010 Signed Original Spray Paint Marker & All City Style Train Sculpture One of A Kind Artwork Size 20.25x5x1.75 Signed, Titled & Dated on Back, Tagged On Front Rek & NSA. Original Hand Painted Graffiti on Wall Mountable All City Style Subway Train Platform. Displayed With Box. Box Has Artist-Made Paint Marks. Scattered Soiling & Blemishes Constatant With Age, Great Condition.


  • In Every Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago In Every Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Rek Santiago In Every Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    In Every Art Train Original All City Style Subway Painting on Wall Sculpture Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist Artist Rek Santiago. 2010 Original Spray Paint Marker & All City Style Train Sculpture One of A Kind Artwork Size 20.25x5x1.75 "Life In Every Breath" Original Hand Painted Graffiti on Wall Mountable All City Style Subway Train Platform. Displayed With Box. Box Has Artist-Made Paint Marks. Scattered Soiling & Blemishes Constatant With Age, Great Condition.


  • Life Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago Life Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Rek Santiago Life Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Life Art Train Original All City Style Subway Painting on Wall Sculpture Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist Artist Rek Santiago. 2010 Hand Titled Original Spray Paint Marker & All City Style Train Sculpture One of A Kind Artwork Size 20.25x5x1.75 "Life In Every Breath" Original Hand Painted Graffiti on Wall Mountable All City Style Subway Train Platform. Displayed With Box. Scattered Soiling & Blemishes Constatant With Age, Great Condition.


  • Subways Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago Subways Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Rek Santiago Subways Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Subways Art Train Original All City Style Subway Painting on Wall Sculpture Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist Artist Rek Santiago. 2010 Signed Original Spray Paint Marker & All City Style Train Sculpture One of A Kind Artwork Size 20.25x5x1.75 Signed/Tagged On Front Rekone. Original Hand Painted Graffiti on Wall Mountable All City Style Subway Train Platform. Displayed With Box. Box Has Artist-Made Paint Marks. Scattered Soiling & Blemishes Constatant With Age, Great Condition.


  • Archives Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Rek Santiago Archives Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Archives Art Train Original All City Style Subway Painting on Wall Sculpture Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist Artist Rek Santiago. 2010 Original Spray Paint Marker & All City Style Train Sculpture One of A Kind Artwork Size 20.25x5x1.75 Original Hand Painted Graffiti on Wall Mountable All City Style Subway Train Platform. Scattered Soiling & Blemishes Constatant With Age, Great Condition.


  • From The Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Rek Santiago From The Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    From The Art Train Original All City Style Subway Painting on Wall Sculpture Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist Artist Rek Santiago. 2010 Original Spray Paint Marker & All City Style Train Sculpture One of A Kind Artwork Size 20.25x5x1.75 Original Hand Painted Graffiti on Wall Mountable All City Style Subway Train Platform. Scattered Soiling & Blemishes Constatant With Age, Great Condition.


  • To The Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Rek Santiago To The Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    To The Art Train Original All City Style Subway Painting on Wall Sculpture Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist Artist Rek Santiago. 2010 Signed Original Spray Paint Marker & All City Style Train Sculpture One of A Kind Artwork Size 20.25x5x1.75 Signed RekOne NSA & RekOne WB Original Hand Painted Graffiti on Wall Mountable All City Style Subway Train Platform. Scattered Soiling & Blemishes Constatant With Age, Great Condition.


  • Stoned Eye Moonrock Shrine Series 2 Neon Sculpture by Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski Stoned Eye Moonrock Shrine Series 2 Neon Sculpture by Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski

    Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski Stoned Eye Moonrock Shrine Series 2 Neon Sculpture by Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski

    Stoned Eye Moonrock Shrine Series 2 Neon Original One of a Kind Handmade & Painted Mini Nuggs Art Toy Collectible Artwork by Cannabis Artists Nug Life NY. 2022 Signed Original Mixed Media Marijuana Sculpture Artwork. "Stoned Eye Shrines exist all over Nugglife. From the jungles, oceans, the deep north, to the vast Kief deserts, ancient pyramids are tucked away with two Eye Nuggs. These shrines help bring smokers, growers, and nugmads together. From seeking knowledge to just taking a smoke break, great wonders are to come to those who take the time to appreciate them. They only open up to those who truly believe. Word around the town is these ancient relics were used by Aliens to communicate to other worlds. Each one is sculpted from scratch, with resin features. The plants are hand-made from wire and clay. Everything is hand-painted and dipped in our signature Kief mixture. 4 x 3.5 x 3 Inches and comes boxed" - Nugg Life NY- Ian Ziobrowski


  • Coffee Shop Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Coffee Shop Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Task One Coffee Shop Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Coffee Shop Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Kidrobot Vinyl & Plaster Art Toy Collectible Pop Artwork. 2013 Original Dunny Town Painted Plaster Kidrobot Custom Dunny Artwork Size Approximate 3x4 Town Coffee Shop Original Dunny Art Toy by Task One Celebrating Urban Culture: Task One's Coffee Shop Original Dunny Town Art Toy The "Coffee Shop Original Dunny Town Art Toy" by Task One is a captivating work that encapsulates the essence of street pop art and graffiti artwork through the innovative medium of Kidrobot vinyl and painted plaster. Released in 2013 as a part of the celebrated Dunny Town series, this piece stands approximately 3x4 inches. It represents a quaint urban coffee shop, a common sight in cityscapes across the globe. This art toy collectible is a testament to Task One's ability to transform the mundane into the extraordinary, spotlighting the role of coffee shops as social hubs within the tapestry of urban life. The art piece showcases Task One's meticulous attention to detail and his commitment to bringing the vibrancy of street culture into the realm of collectible art. The coffee shop, complete with its iconic sign, outdoor umbrella, and a tiny patron, is an homage to the everyday gathering places that serve as neighborhood landmarks. The art toy stands not just as a collectible item but as a miniature homage to the communal spaces that play a crucial role in urban living and culture. Task One's Artistic Vision: Blending Daily Life with Pop Art Task One's "Coffee Shop Original Dunny Town Art Toy" exemplifies the fusion of daily life with the imaginative potential of pop art. This piece, part of a limited edition series, mirrors city life's familiar yet often overlooked corners, presenting them through a whimsical yet reflective lens. The coffee shop, an emblem of urban routine and comfort, is reinterpreted in the distinct shape of a Dunny, merging the playful form with a severe function. This work is particularly significant in street pop art and graffiti artwork, as it captures the spirit of urban storytelling through a tangible form. The coffee shop, a place of respite and conversation, reflects the city's diversity and dynamism; through Task One's artistry, it is celebrated and immortalized in vinyl. The "Coffee Shop Original Dunny Town Art Toy" is thus more than just a representation of a building; it's a piece of urban narrative, inviting collectors and art lovers to appreciate the small yet significant elements of the urban experience. In creating this piece, Task One has reinforced the idea that art can be found daily and that the buildings and spaces we often pass by without a second glance hold stories worth telling. Through art toys, he has made these stories accessible, creating a bridge between the street and the shelf, between the ephemeral and the enduring. The "Coffee Shop Original Dunny Town Art Toy" is a vibrant slice of urban life. This collectible carries the flavor of the streets and the creativity of one of the most innovative artists in street pop art and graffiti artwork.


  • Car Wash Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Car Wash Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Task One Car Wash Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Car Wash Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Kidrobot Vinyl & Plaster Art Toy Collectible Pop Artwork. 2013 Original Dunny Town Painted Plaster Kidrobot Custom Dunny Artwork Size Approximate 3x4 Town Car Wash Original Dunny Art Toy by Task One Exploring Urban Narratives: Task One's Car Wash Original Dunny Town Art Toy Task One's "Car Wash Original Dunny Town Art Toy" embodies the creative spirit that defines street pop art and graffiti artwork. This 2013 masterpiece integrates the familiar Kidrobot Dunny vinyl form with the tactile, textured medium of painted plaster, resulting in a unique collectible that stands approximately 3x4 inches. Through the medium of this custom Dunny artwork, Task One explores the everyday urban experience, encapsulating it within the playful yet profound form of a car wash. The Car Wash Dunny is more than a mere representation of an ordinary city service; it is a microcosm of urban life, conveying the motion and activity of the streets in a static figure. The art toy features meticulously sculpted details, from the fringed wash curtains to the vibrant, conical traffic barriers, capturing the essence of a bustling car wash in miniature. The top of the Dunny is adorned with a "CAR WASH" sign, crafted in a font that echoes the signage seen in any neighborhood, adding authenticity and a touch of nostalgia to the piece. Task One's Artistic Commentary on Consumer Culture In creating the Car Wash Dunny, Task One delivers a subtle yet impactful commentary on consumer culture and the commodification of urban spaces. The art toy serves as a canvas for this discourse, inviting contemplation on the role of such establishments in our daily lives and their significance in the urban tapestry. The choice of a car wash as the subject reflects a keen observation of the mundane, elevating it to the level of art through the transformative power of Task One's vision. The Car Wash Dunny, as part of the more extensive Dunny Town series, exemplifies Task One's dedication to blending street art's immediacy and relevance with the collectible nature of vinyl toys. This fusion results in a thought-provoking piece that holds a mirror to the city's soul, reflecting the vibrant, ever-changing life of the streets. Collectors and admirers of street pop art are drawn to such works for their aesthetic appeal and their ability to encapsulate a piece of the urban experience. Task One's work, particularly this captivating rendition of a car wash, showcases the potential of art toys to act as vessels for storytelling and cultural reflection. Through his skillful use of materials and his intelligent approach to the subject matter, Task One has contributed a significant chapter to the narrative of street pop art and graffiti artwork, ensuring that the essence of the streets is preserved in the palms of our hands. The Car Wash Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One remains a treasured piece for those who value the intersection of art, culture, and the vibrancy of city life.


  • Cannabis Dispensary Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Cannabis Dispensary Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Task One Cannabis Dispensary Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Cannabis Dispensary Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Kidrobot Vinyl & Plaster Art Toy Collectible Pop Artwork. 2013 Original Dunny Town Painted Plaster Kidrobot Custom Dunny Artwork Size Approximate 3x4 Town Cannabis Dispensary Original Dunny Art Toy by Task One Task One's Cannabis Dispensary Original Dunny Town Art Toy The "Cannabis Dispensary Original Dunny Town Art Toy" is a distinctive piece of work by the artist Task One, released in 2013, exemplifying his pioneering role in the art toy movement. This particular creation stands out as a symbol of the convergence between street pop art, graffiti artwork, and the burgeoning dialogue about cannabis culture. Task One, known for his customized Kidrobot Dunny figures, has crafted this piece with a keen eye for detail and a bold approach to subject matter, painting and sculpting with plaster to give life to a miniature replica of a cannabis dispensary in the form of a vinyl art toy. In this piece, Task One not only captures the essence of a cannabis dispensary's facade but also comments on the shifting societal perspectives towards marijuana. The storefront, complete with a cannabis leaf emblem and welcoming door, is a miniature homage to the dispensaries that have become commonplace in certain regions, reflecting broader changes in law and social attitudes. The Dunny, typically a blank, rabbit-like figure, is transformed into a canvas that challenges preconceptions about legality, medicine, and recreational drug use. Cultural Relevance and Artistic Innovation As an artist, Task One has consistently pushed the boundaries of the Dunny platform, utilizing it to explore and reflect on contemporary urban issues and themes. The "Cannabis Dispensary" is no exception; it's a piece that speaks to the heart of street pop art and graffiti artwork by taking a ubiquitous aspect of modern urban life and recontextualizing it within the art toy genre. This work is a clear reflection of the core values of street art—accessibility, community relevance, and a touch of the subversive. Furthermore, the collectible nature of this piece, being a limited edition release, adds to its allure for collectors keen to own artifacts at the intersection of art and cultural commentary. Task One's attention to the physical textures and colors of the dispensary, paired with the playful form of the Dunny, creates a collectible that is both a piece of pop artwork and a statement on contemporary societal shifts. Task One's "Cannabis Dispensary Original Dunny Town Art Toy" serves as a poignant narrative in the form of a collectible, embodying the ethos of street pop art where the lines between art, social commentary, and collectibility blur into a cohesive whole. This piece is a tribute to the unique aesthetic that Task One brought to the world of art toys and a snapshot of the cultural zeitgeist of its time. Task One's legacy endures through such works, influencing the dialogue within the street art community and among collectors of vinyl art toys worldwide.


  • Chase Bank Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Chase Bank Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Task One Chase Bank Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Chase Bank Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Kidrobot Vinyl & Plaster Art Toy Collectible Pop Artwork. 2013 Original Dunny Town Painted Plaster Kidrobot Custom Dunny Artwork Size Approximate 3x4 Town Chase Bank Original Dunny Art Toy by Task One Task One's Chase Bank Original Dunny Town Art Toy Task One's "Chase Bank Original Dunny Town Art Toy" represents a striking commentary on the omnipresent financial institutions in urban landscapes. Crafted in 2013, this piece combines the medium of Kidrobot's vinyl with the textural depth of painted plaster, embodying the distinctive essence of street pop art and graffiti artwork. The collectible stands at an approximate size of 3x4 inches, a miniature yet powerful representation of a Chase Bank branch, reinterpreted through the imaginative lens of Task One. This particular work is part of Task One's broader Dunny Town series, which showcases a variety of urban structures and establishments, each reimagined as a Dunny, the iconic art toy figure. The Chase Bank Dunny, with its detailed brickwork facade and the recognizable blue "CHASE" signage, invites reflection on the pervasive influence of corporate entities in daily life. It's a creative exploration of common themes in street art: capitalism, consumerism, and their interplay within the public space. Reflecting the Urban Experience through Art Toys By selecting an institution as ubiquitous as a bank and presenting it through the playful form of a Dunny, Task One elevates street art's engagement with socio-economic themes. This art toy serves as a microcosm of the city, encapsulating the essence of a corporate entity within the palm-sized dimensions of a collectible figure. It's a visual narrative that resonates with the observer, prompting thoughts on the role of such institutions in shaping the urban environment and the lives of its inhabitants. The Chase Bank Dunny is a reflection of Task One's artistic vision and a part of the growing movement that blurs the lines between street art and tangible collectibles. The meticulous attention to detail, from the ATMs to the miniature windows and doors, underscores the artist's commitment to quality and authenticity. As a result, the piece stands as a testament to the potential of vinyl art toys to serve as sophisticated mediums for cultural expression and critique. Task One's artistry in the "Chase Bank Original Dunny Town Art Toy" speaks to the heart of street pop art, where everyday scenes are transformed into thought-provoking artworks. Once a simple toy, the Dunny becomes a canvas for critical reflection. This characteristic has endeared Task One's work to collectors and enthusiasts of street pop art and graffiti artwork. Through his contributions, Task One has left an indelible mark on urban art's landscape, merging the streets' irreverent spirit with the collectibility and craftsmanship of art toys.


  • Motel Hotel Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Motel Hotel Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Task One Motel Hotel Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Motel Hotel Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Kidrobot Vinyl & Plaster Art Toy Collectible Pop Artwork. 2013 Original Dunny Town Painted Plaster Kidrobot Custom Dunny Artwork Size Approximate 3x4 Town Motel Hotel Original Dunny Art Toy by Task One Task One's Interpretation of Americana in Motel Hotel Original Dunny Town Art Toy Task One's "Motel Hotel Original Dunny Town Art Toy" from 2013 captures the essence of Americana through the lens of street pop art and graffiti artwork. This piece stands approximately 3x4 inches and is a part of the broader Dunny Town series. The work showcases a classic roadside motel reimagined in the form of a Kidrobot Dunny vinyl figure. Task One's skillful use of painted plaster to craft the piece brings out a textured realism, with the motel's iconic signage, doors, and windows vividly portrayed to evoke the spirit of travel and transient life on the American highway. The art toy is a nostalgic nod to the vintage motels that pepper the United States, each promising rest and respite to weary travelers. The miniature motel is not simply a replication of a building; it's an emblem of the cultural significance of motels in the narrative of American travel. The neon-like "MOTEL" sign, pointing towards the Dunny, is remarkably evocative, mirroring the beckoning lights that have guided countless journeys across the country. Reimagining Urban Spaces in Miniature Form With the "Motel Hotel Original Dunny Town Art Toy," Task One continues his exploration of urban spaces, translating them into miniature forms that resonate with collectors and art enthusiasts alike. The motel, a symbol of mobility and the vast network of travel is recontextualized in a pop art format, preserving its cultural relevance while presenting it through a fresh, artistic perspective. This work blends the accessibility of street art with the collectible nature of vinyl toys, resulting in a piece that is both a tribute to a fading icon of the American road and a commentary on the changing landscape of travel and accommodation. Task One's meticulous attention to the architectural details of the motel, combined with the playful, anthropomorphic Dunny form, exemplifies the potential of art toys to serve as platforms for storytelling. The "Motel Hotel Original Dunny Town Art Toy" is thus a celebration of the crossroads between art, culture, and history, encapsulating the essence of roadside Americana within the compact and collectible dimension of a Dunny. The art toy embodies the ethos of street pop art, where everyday objects and structures are elevated to the status of art through creativity and context. Task One's portrayal of the motel invites contemplation on the themes of travel, the passage of time, and the evolution of the American landscape. This piece continues to hold a place of significance within the Dunny Town series and stands as a testament to Task One's legacy in street pop art and graffiti artwork.


  • Log Cabin Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Log Cabin Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Task One Log Cabin Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Log Cabin Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Kidrobot Vinyl & Plaster Art Toy Collectible Pop Artwork. 2012 Original Dunny Town Painted Plaster Kidrobot Custom Dunny Artwork Size Approximate 3x4 Town Log Cabin Original Dunny Art Toy by Task One Task One's Log Cabin Original Dunny Town Art Toy The "Log Cabin Original Dunny Town Art Toy" by Task One is a fascinating piece that interweaves the rustic charm of traditional log cabins with the urban edge of street pop art and graffiti artwork. This 2012 creation is part of the Dunny Town series, featuring the signature Kidrobot Dunny vinyl figure reimagined through the meticulous application of painted plaster. The artwork, sized approximately 3x4 inches, captures the essence of a log cabin with stunning detail, bringing a touch of wilderness to the urban-centric collection of Dunny Town. The log cabin Dunny is a testament to Task One's versatility as an artist and his ability to stretch the boundaries of what is possible within the form of a vinyl art toy. The texture of the plaster, fashioned to mimic the logs, the windows, and the tiny front door, all contribute to a sense of realism that belies the figure's small stature. The Dunny's ears are transformed into smokestacks, a creative twist that enhances the whimsical nature of the piece while remaining true to the original structure's aesthetic. Blending Nature with Urban Artistry in Collectible Form Task One's choice to represent a log cabin in the urban-focused series of Dunny Town speaks to the nostalgia for nature and simpler living within the fast-paced city environment. This piece transcends the typical street pop art narrative, which often revolves around the gritty, the contemporary, and the metropolitan, to invoke the tranquility and timeless beauty of the great outdoors. Yet, the art toy remains undeniably rooted in the street art tradition, with its foundation in craftsmanship, customization, and subcultural relevance. The "Log Cabin Original Dunny Town Art Toy" is a collectible that bridges disparate worlds—the rustic and the modern, the natural and the artificial. It stands as a work of art that invites contemplation on our relationship with the environment and the encroachment of urbanization on wild spaces. Collectors of Task One's work appreciate the skill involved in creating such pieces and the way they provoke thought and conversation about broader societal themes. Task One's artistry has always been characterized by an awareness of and a commentary on cultural phenomena, and the Log Cabin Dunny is no exception. This collectible reflects the artist's deep engagement with street pop art and graffiti artwork's potential for storytelling. Through this and other works in the Dunny Town series, Task One has demonstrated the profound ability of art toys to encapsulate complex narratives and serve as a platform for the intersection of diverse artistic disciplines. The "Log Cabin Original Dunny Town Art Toy" remains a beloved piece in the annals of street pop art, a tribute to the natural world rendered in the vibrant language of urban art.


  • 7-Eleven Store Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One 7-Eleven Store Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Task One 7-Eleven Store Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    7-Eleven Store Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Kidrobot Vinyl & Plaster Art Toy Collectible Pop Artwork. 2012 Original Dunny Town Painted Plaster Kidrobot Custom Dunny Artwork Size Approximate 3x4 Town 7-Eleven Store Original Dunny Art Toy by Task One Task One's 7-Eleven Store Original Dunny Town Art Toy The "7-Eleven Store Original Dunny Town Art Toy" by Task One is a unique intersection of consumer culture and street pop art, encapsulated in a vinyl art toy collectible. This original art by Task One, released in 2012, is a testament to the artist's skill in blending every day with the extraordinary, thus transforming a familiar urban icon into a piece of collectible pop artwork. The work is a part of the Dunny Town series, which is highly regarded in the vinyl art toy community for its innovative representation of miniature urban landscapes. This piece features the recognizable storefront of a 7-Eleven, a convenience store that dots urban landscapes worldwide, reimagined in the stylized form of a Kidrobot Dunny. It's a work that comments on the ubiquity of consumerism and the way brands imprint themselves on the collective consciousness of society. Task One's craftsmanship is evident in the meticulous details of the piece—from the signboard with the 7-Eleven logo to the tiny rendition of the store's entrance and the miniature trash can beside it. Using plaster to create this custom Dunny artwork adds a textural quality that echoes the tactile nature of street art. Reflection of Street Pop Art & Graffiti Artwork in Task One's Dunny The 7-Eleven Dunny by Task One is not just a collectible; it reflects street pop art and graffiti artwork. By selecting a Dunny—a figure that is essentially a blank slate—Task One engages in a dialogue with the pop art tradition of utilizing mass culture and transforming it into high art. With its hand-painted, plaster-modified surface, this piece bridges the gap between the often transient nature of street art and the permanence sought by fine art collectors. The art toy becomes a canvas for social commentary, echoing the voice of graffiti art that often critiques or highlights elements of urban life. Task One's art toy challenges the viewer to reconsider the role and value of commercial objects in art. It's a bold statement on the infiltration of branding in our daily lives, presented through the lens of a street artist. Placing a 7-Eleven on a Dunny characteristically embodies street pop art's playful yet critical spirit, where the mundane is repurposed to serve as a medium for creative expression. In the broader context, the "7-Eleven Store Original Dunny Town Art Toy" exemplifies how artists like Task One redefine the boundaries of art and collectibility. Through the fusion of street art sensibilities with the collectible toy culture, Task One has contributed to the burgeoning art toy movement, which continues to gain momentum and respect within the art community. This piece serves as a poignant piece of Task One's legacy, capturing the essence of his artistic vision and the cultural zeitgeist of the time.


  • Shell Gas Station Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Shell Gas Station Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Task One Shell Gas Station Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One

    Shell Gas Station Original Dunny Town Art Toy by Task One Kidrobot Vinyl & Plaster Art Toy Collectible Pop Artwork. 2013 Original Dunny Town Painted Plaster Kidrobot Custom Dunny Artwork Size Approximate 3x4 Town Shell Gas Station Original Dunny Art Toy by Task One Task One's Commentary on Consumerism: Shell Gas Station Original Dunny Town Art Toy Task One's "Shell Gas Station Original Dunny Town Art Toy" is a remarkable piece within the Kidrobot Dunny Town series, revealing the artist's intricate craftsmanship and keen social commentary. Created in 2013, this particular art toy fuses vinyl with painted plaster to meticulously recreate a Shell gas station with the brand's iconic logo and colors. Measuring approximately 3x4 inches, the work encapsulates the ubiquitous nature of global consumer brands and their imprint on the urban landscape, interpreted through the unique aesthetic of street pop art and graffiti artwork. The miniature gas station symbolizes the global economy, energy consumption, and the environmental impact of fossil fuels. Task One's choice to embed such a potent symbol into the playful form of a Dunny is a powerful statement on how deeply corporate symbols are ingrained in our daily lives. It provokes thought on our reliance on such establishments, not just for fuel but as fixtures of the modern world that represent a complex network of commerce and industry. The Intersection of Urban Iconography and Artistic Expression With the "Shell Gas Station Original Dunny Town Art Toy," Task One continues his exploration of urban iconography, transforming a familiar city element into a piece of collectible art. The juxtaposition of Dunny's cartoonish form with the realistic details of the gas station creates a striking contrast characteristic of pop art's approach to blending high and low cultural imagery. This piece contributes to the dialogue of street pop art and graffiti artwork, where the line between commercial branding and artistic expression becomes blurred. The work is a microcosm of the streets, a tangible manifestation of the sights and symbols that define the contemporary urban experience. Collectors and enthusiasts of Task One's work are not only drawn to the visual appeal of his creations but also to the layered meanings and cultural critiques embedded within them. The "Shell Gas Station Original Dunny Town Art Toy" is a prime example of how art toys can transcend their initial perception as mere objects of play and become conduits to reflect broader societal themes. In the narrative of street pop art, Task One's Shell Gas Station Dunny stands as a testament to the power of art to encapsulate and critique the world around us. It is a collectible that captures the zeitgeist of the early 21st century, a time when questions about sustainability, consumer culture, and environmental responsibility are at the forefront of public discourse. Through this work, Task One affirms the relevance and potential of street pop art and graffiti artwork to challenge, provoke, and engage audiences in a conversation about the world they inhabit.


  • Sale -25% Cup & Brushes Original Ceramic Sculpture by Joshua Vides Cup & Brushes Original Ceramic Sculpture by Joshua Vides

    Joshua Vides Cup & Brushes Original Ceramic Sculpture by Joshua Vides

    Cup & Brushes Original Ceramic Hand Painted Sculpture by Joshua Vides Shattered Dreams Series Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist. 2023 Signed Original Hand-Made Sculpture One of A Kind Ceramic & Acrylic Paint Artwork Size XXX BMW Car Logo on Tall Slim Cup with Paintbrushes in It That Have Been Used With Colorful Paint Statue. Joshua Vides, a renowned name in the street and graffiti art scene, has taken a divergent turn in his creative journey with the unveiling of his latest series titled "Shattered Dreams." This exhibition, which took place in Los Angeles, California, from August 18 to 25, 2023, marked Vides' inaugural venture into an exclusively ceramic-centric realm. A significant piece from this collection, the "Cup & Brushes," serves as a testament to the artist's boundless versatility and keen eye for merging contemporary concepts with traditional mediums. At first glance, the "Cup & Brushes" sculpture is more than a mere ceramic creation; it's a tangible narrative of the artist's transformative journey. Hand-molded and meticulously painted by Vides in his studio, this particular sculpture captivates viewers with its emblematic portrayal of the BMW car logo on a statuesque, slim cup. Nestled within the cup are paintbrushes, each vividly stained with remnants of colorful paint, illustrating the fusion of utility and artistry. The juxtaposition of the revered automotive emblem with the rudimentary tools of a painter not only reiterates the theme of shattered expectations but also challenges the conventions of pop art. Vides' dedication to handcrafting each piece in the "Shattered Dreams" series accentuates the personal touch and authenticity infused in every artwork. This transition from his graffiti roots to ceramics, while retaining the essence of street art, showcases the evolution of an artist who isn’t afraid to shatter boundaries while dreaming big.


  • Sale -25% Paint Mug With Brushes Original Ceramic Sculpture by Joshua Vides Paint Mug With Brushes Original Ceramic Sculpture by Joshua Vides

    Joshua Vides Paint Mug With Brushes Original Ceramic Sculpture by Joshua Vides

    Paint Mug With Brushes Original Ceramic Hand Painted Sculpture by Joshua Vides Shattered Dreams Series Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist. 2023 Signed Original Hand-Made Sculpture One of A Kind Ceramic & Acrylic Paint Artwork Size XXX Matte Black & White Mug With Magic Marker Pencil & Pen Statue. "Paint Mug With Brushes" stands as a testament to the evolving world of pop art, street art, and graffiti art. The artwork is an original ceramic hand-painted sculpture by the renowned artist, Joshua Vides. Known for his unique approach to the street art scene, Vides has made a significant mark through his Shattered Dreams Series. This particular piece from 2023 is not just any art; it's an intimate expression of Vides' passion for blending the everyday with the extraordinary. The sculpture is crafted meticulously, emphasizing the artist's signature style. With matte black and white as its primary colors, it starkly represents the urban aesthetic that is so prevalent in graffiti art. The choice of these colors also denotes the raw and real emotions behind graffiti, emphasizing its honesty and candidness. Further, the ceramic piece brilliantly captures a mug accompanied by magic marker, pencil, and pen statues, signifying the tools of a graffiti artist. The choice of a mug – an everyday object – represents the everyday canvas of life that street artists choose to adorn. On the other hand, the brushes and markers symbolize the artist's arsenal, through which they breathe life into mundane spaces, transforming them into pieces of art. Signed and dated by Joshua Vides, this hand-made sculpture stands out as a one-of-a-kind testament to the enduring legacy of street art. It encapsulates the essence of graffiti as an art form, challenging conventional norms and proving that art is not just confined to canvases in galleries. Instead, art is everywhere, waiting for the right artist, like Vides, to shape it into something unforgettable.


Original Sculpture Fine Art Graffiti Street Pop Artwork

Exploring the Fusion of Original Sculpture and Statues in Street Pop Art and Graffiti Artwork

Integrating original sculpture and statues into street pop and graffiti art domains represents a significant evolution in contemporary art. This fusion blurs the lines between traditional fine art and the more modern, often rebellious forms of street art, creating a unique aesthetic that resonates with diverse audiences. Historically seen as subversive and often illegal, street pop art and graffiti have gained mainstream acceptance and are now recognized as legitimate artistic expressions. Incorporating sculpture and statues into these forms elevates their status, offering a new dimension to their interpretation and appreciation. Sculptural elements in street pop art and graffiti artwork serve several purposes. Firstly, they add a tangible, three-dimensional aspect to what is typically a two-dimensional medium. This physicality allows artists to explore space and form in ways that are not possible with paint alone. The sculptures often interact with their environment, turning public spaces into interactive art galleries. This interaction between the artwork and the urban landscape is a hallmark of street art and is only enhanced by including sculptural elements.

Artistic Expression Through Sculpture in Urban Environments

Artists who incorporate sculpture and statues into their street pop art and graffiti works often use these elements to comment on social, political, or cultural issues. Sculptures can be powerful tools for storytelling, offering a visual narrative that complements the often bold and striking imagery of graffiti. By placing sculptures in public spaces, artists democratize access to art and invite passersby to engage with their work directly and personally. This public accessibility is a core principle of street art and is crucial to its popularity and impact. The techniques and materials used in creating these sculptures vary widely, reflecting the diverse backgrounds and styles of the artists. Some artists prefer traditional materials like bronze or stone, while others experiment with modern materials like resin, plastic, or found objects. The choice of materials often reflects the message or theme of the artwork. For instance, recycled materials might comment on environmental issues, while more classical materials might be chosen to contrast the old and the new.

Notable Sculpture Artists and Works in the Field

Several artists have gained prominence for their innovative use of sculpture in street pop art and graffiti. These artists often have backgrounds in traditional fine arts but have chosen to express themselves in the more public and accessible realm of street art. Their works can be found in cities worldwide, from New York to Berlin, and often become landmarks in their own right. These sculptures not only beautify urban areas but also provoke thought and discussion among the public. Despite the growing acceptance of street pop art and graffiti, incorporating sculpture into these forms is not without challenges and controversies. The permanence and physicality of sculptures can raise issues around public space usage and urban planning.
Additionally, while some view these works as vital expressions of urban culture, others see them as vandalism or an unwelcome imposition on the urban landscape. Navigating these challenges requires sensitivity and often involves collaboration between artists, local communities, and city authorities. Integrating original sculpture and statues into street pop art and graffiti artwork represents an exciting and evolving field within contemporary art. By combining the physical presence of sculpture with the vibrant visuals of street art, artists create works that are not only visually striking but also deeply embedded in urban life's cultural and social fabric. As this genre continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly bring new perspectives and discussions about the role of art in public spaces.

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