Government & Politics

2 artworks

  • Know Your Rights Large Format Serigraph Print by Shepard Fairey- OBEY

    Shepard Fairey- OBEY Know Your Rights Large Format Serigraph Print by Shepard Fairey- OBEY

    Know Your Rights- Large Format Limited Edition Hand Pulled 1-Color Serigraph Print on Varnished 100% Cotton Rag Archival Paper with hand-deckled edges by Shepard Fairey Graffiti Street Artist Modern Pop Art. 2014 Signed & Numbered Serigraph Artwork 42 x 42 inchesAugust 21, 201. 42 x 42 Large Format Serigraph.1 Color printed on Varnished 100% Cotton Rag Archival Paper. "Know Your Rights" is a commanding serigraph by Shepard Fairey, an artist who has cemented his place in the contemporary art scene through works that intertwine the ethos of street art with the aesthetic of modern pop art. This piece, released on August 21, 2014, is particularly noteworthy not only for its bold political message but also for the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into the production of each print. As an extensive format work, measuring an impressive 42 x 42 inches, it makes an indelible mark on the viewer, both through its scale and its strikingly stark one-color presentation on varnished 100% cotton rag archival paper, complete with hand-deckled edges. Shepard Fairey is renowned for blending fine art with the raw, in-your-face quality of street art and graffiti, and "Know Your Rights" is a prime example of this synthesis. The piece is anchored by a central image featuring an open book titled "THE FUTURE IS UNWRITTEN," encapsulating a message of empowerment and the potential for change. This is framed by laurels and a lit torch, evoking classic motifs that signify victory, knowledge, and enlightenment. The bordering texts "OBEY PROPAGANDA" and "KNOW YOUR RIGHTS" play into Fairey's recurring themes of propaganda, control, and the dissemination of information, urging the viewer to question authority and the narratives they are presented with. Each print in this limited edition is signed and numbered by Fairey, signifying its authenticity and connection to the artist's hand. The decision to use a one-color palette speaks to the work's assertive simplicity and Fairey's skill in using contrast and texture to convey depth and resonance. It's a technique that mirrors his street art roots, where messages must be given quickly and memorably. The serigraph process, a labor-intensive method of screen printing, ensures that each impression is of the highest quality, with the varnishing on the cotton rag paper adding a durable, tactile finish that also enhances the visual impact. "Know Your Rights" stands as a powerful statement in Fairey's oeuvre, reflecting his social and political advocacy rendered through his distinct pop art lens. This artwork resonates with the immediacy of street art and carries the weight of historical art traditions, bridging contemporary concerns with timeless expressions of resistance and hope.


  • Bias by Numbers- 30X42 Large Format Silkscreen Print by Shepard Fairey- OBEY

    Shepard Fairey- OBEY Bias by Numbers- 30X42 Large Format Silkscreen Print by Shepard Fairey- OBEY

    Bias by Numbers- Large Format 30X42 4-Color Hand-Pulled Limited Edition Silkscreen Print on Fine Speckletone Art Paper by Shepard Fairey Rare Street Art OBEY Pop Artwork Artist. Signed & Numbered, Bias by Numbers 30 inches by 42 inches Edition of 89 June 3, 2019 “Bias by Numbers” addresses racial bias in policing, criminal justice, and media culture. Racial bias in policing and criminal justice has a long history, including stats like – black people being five times more likely to be stopped and searched than white people, and four times more likely to be subjected to unnecessary use of force, or four times more likely to be killed by the police when unarmed. The statistics revealing racial bias in prosecution and sentencing are compelling as well. Though recreational drug use is equally common in both predominantly black communities and predominantly white communities, convictions for drug possession are almost six times higher for blacks. Blacks frequently receive longer prison sentences than whites contributing to African Americans being incarcerated at more than five times the rate of whites.


Government & Politics Street Pop Art & Graffiti Artwork

Artistic Commentary on Government and Politics in Street Pop Art

Street pop art and graffiti artwork have long served as a visual language for political discourse and social commentary. The inherently public and accessible nature of these art forms makes them powerful tools for artists to express their views on government and politics. Whether splashed across city walls or displayed in galleries, these works often reflect the artists' perspectives on the political climate, societal issues, and power dynamics. The relationship between government and politics and street pop art is symbiotic. On one hand, the art form often thrives under the radar of official scrutiny, its rebellious streak a response to perceived overreach or authoritarian tendencies. On the other hand, it can serve as a sanctioned medium for political messaging, especially in more liberal societies that embrace public art as a form of civic engagement. Artists utilize this platform to spark debate, challenge authority, and inspire political action, sometimes at significant personal risk.

The Impact of Street Art on Political Expression

Street art's ability to reach a broad audience outside of traditional art venues makes it an incredibly effective means of political expression. Murals and installations often become local landmarks, drawing attention to the issues they portray and making political discourse a part of everyday life. The visual strategies employed by street artists—such as parody, satire, and symbolism—can distill complex political messages into impactful imagery that resonates with the viewer on an intuitive level. The political influence of street pop art and graffiti can be seen in its use by movements seeking to democratize public space and challenge dominant narratives. The art form's agility in adapting to the changing political landscape allows it to address immediate concerns and react to current events faster than traditional forms of political commentary. Its impact is magnified by the advent of social media, where images of political street art can go viral, reaching international audiences and becoming symbols of resistance and solidarity.

Street Pop Art as a Chronicle of Political Change

Over the decades, street pop art has chronicled the ebb and flow of political change from the protest movements of the 1960s to the present day. It often provides historical snapshots of the public sentiment during times of political upheaval. In societies undergoing rapid transformation or conflict, street art can document the aspirations and frustrations of the populace, often serving as a barometer for social tension. This art form also raises questions about the ownership and use of public space. By taking art out of the private realm and into the communal, street artists challenge the idea that government and authorities have ultimate control over visual and cultural expressions in public areas. This act of reclaiming space is a political statement, affirming the right to free expression and participation in the civic dialogue.
In summary, street pop art and graffiti artwork occupy a unique position at the intersection of art, politics, and public discourse. By engaging directly with the community and utilizing public spaces as canvases, these art forms democratize access to political expression and empower individuals and movements to communicate their messages powerfully and poignantly. As governments and politics evolve, so will the art that reflects and often challenges them, maintaining its role as a vital voice in the ongoing conversation about power, policy, and the people.

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