Original Sculpture Fine Art

9 artworks

  • Salvage Can 11 Original Spray Paint Can Sculpture Painting Eddie Colla

    Eddie Colla Salvage Can 11 Original Spray Paint Can Sculpture Painting Eddie Colla

    Salvage Can 11 Original Painting on Spray Paint Can Mixed Media Sculpture Artwork by street artist graffiti legend Eddie Colla. 2018 Signed Original Spray Paint Acrylic Mixed Media on Spray Paint Can Artwork Size 3x8 "I made this series of cans in China in 2018. I had been waiting for supplies to start working on larger pieces. The residency where I was had kept all their empty spray cans. I started making these small pieces from the used spray cans. It wasn't anything I planned; I just had an unexpected amount of free time waiting for my materials to arrive, so I worked with what was available. Each can is signed and dated on the bottom of the can." -Eddie Colla Eddie Colla's Innovation in Street Art Eddie Colla's "Salvage Can 11" stands as a powerful statement within the realm of street pop art and graffiti artwork, an original painting on a spray paint can that marries mixed media techniques with the subversive energy of street art. The work is part of a series created in 2018 during a residency in China, a period that Colla describes as marked by an unexpected hiatus, waiting for art supplies, which led to the innovative use of discarded materials to create something unforeseen yet profound. Colla's "Salvage Can 11" is a testament to the spontaneous and adaptive spirit that often drives street art. Faced with a delay in his usual creative process, Colla turned to the empty spray cans available at his residency, transforming them from tools into canvases. This act of reclamation gave new life to the used cans and challenged the perception of value and utility in art materials. The resulting artwork—a signed original piece—is a mixed-media sculpture that encapsulates the essence of graffiti artwork: raw, immediate, and deeply personal. Visual Dynamics of "Salvage Can 11" The visual impact of "Salvage Can 11" is immediate and visceral. The imagery on the can is haunting, with the figure's features suggesting a blend of humanity and mask-like anonymity—a common theme in Colla's work, which often comments on identity and the individual's place within society. Using acrylic and spray paint adds texture and depth, with the stark black and purple hues commanding attention and drawing the viewer into a contemplative dialogue with the piece. Cultural Significance of Eddie Colla's Work Eddie Colla's contribution to street art extends beyond his murals and public installations. He bridges the gap between the street and the collector's space by bringing his art to a tangible, holdable medium like a spray paint can. "Salvage Can 11" embodies the transient nature of street art, while its existence as a preserved object challenges the ephemerality traditionally associated with the form. Colla's work is a reminder that street art is not confined to public spaces but is a dynamic art form that can inhabit and adapt to any context. The Resonance of the "Salvage Can" Series in Art Collecting The "Salvage Can" series holds a special place in the art collection. Each can, signed and dated by Colla, is not just an artwork but a historical piece that carries the story of its creation. Collectors of street pop art and graffiti artwork are often drawn to pieces with a narrative, and "Salvage Can 11" offers just that—a story of innovation, adaptation, and the creative process that unfolded in an artist's residency across the globe. "Salvage Can 11" is a mixed-media sculpture encapsulating Eddie Colla's innovative spirit and stature as a graffiti legend. The work is symbolic of the creativity that flourishes within the constraints of street art, highlighting Colla's ability to craft compelling narratives from unexpected circumstances. It is a prime example of how street pop art can transcend traditional boundaries and redefine what a canvas can be, inviting a broader audience to engage with the street art movement in new and meaningful ways.


  • Salvage Can 10 Original Spray Paint Can Sculpture Painting Eddie Colla

    Eddie Colla Salvage Can 10 Original Spray Paint Can Sculpture Painting Eddie Colla

    Salvage Can 10 Original Painting on Spray Paint Can Mixed Media Sculpture Artwork by street artist graffiti legend Eddie Colla. 2018 Signed Original Spray Paint Acrylic Mixed Media on Spray Paint Can Artwork Size 3x8 "I made this series of cans in China in 2018. I had been waiting for supplies to start working on larger pieces. The residency where I was had kept all their empty spray cans. I started making these small pieces from the used spray cans. It wasn't anything I planned; I just had an unexpected amount of free time waiting for my materials to arrive, so I worked with what was available. Each can is signed and dated on the bottom of the can." -Eddie Colla. Eddie Colla's Artistic Practice Eddie Colla's "Salvage Can 10" is a compelling piece that reflects the artist's adaptive creativity and resourcefulness, elements that are often at the core of street pop art and graffiti artwork. Created during a residency in China in 2018, this work is part of a series made from used spray paint cans, an example of the artist's ingenuity in repurposing materials at hand to make art. Standing at 3x8 inches, each original mixed media sculpture speaks to the improvisational spirit of street art and the artist's personal narrative. The "Salvage Can" series emerged from waiting for art supplies, showcasing Colla's ability to innovate with available resources. This circumstance led to the transformation of discarded spray cans into a medium for artistic expression. Colla's approach involved using spray paint and acrylics to craft a mixed-media sculpture that conveys a street-wise aesthetic and intricate detail. The fact that each can is signed and dated on the bottom adds authenticity and offers a tangible connection to the artist's engagement with his work. Symbolism and Technique in "Salvage Can 10" Colla's "Salvage Can 10" stands out for its haunting imagery, displaying a contemplative and intense figure. Using a spray can as a canvas is deeply symbolic within the context of graffiti art, signifying both the tool of the trade and the transient nature of the art form itself. The choice to repurpose used cans highlights themes of sustainability and the reclamation of materials, which aligns with the broader ethos of street art's ability to transform and reinvigorate urban environments. Impact on Street Art and Graffiti Culture Eddie Colla is recognized as a significant figure in the street art movement, and his "Salvage Can" series contributes to the rich tapestry of graffiti artwork. By taking an object that is so integral to the creation of street art and making it the subject of the art itself, Colla blurs the lines between tool and artwork, creator and creation. His work serves as a visual statement within the art community and as a physical artifact that embodies the process and environment in which street art is created. Collectibility of Eddie Colla's "Salvage Can" Series For collectors, each "Salvage Can" piece represents a unique slice of Eddie Colla's artistic journey. The series' creation story—borne out of a need to create with limited resources—resonates with the narrative of many street artists who often work with what they have available. This backstory, coupled with the intimate scale of the work, makes each piece desirable for those seeking to own a part of the improvisational and spontaneous energy that defines much of street pop art and graffiti artwork. "Salvage Can 10" encapsulates Eddie Colla's innovative spirit and ability to make profound statements through street art. His choice to work with used spray paint cans during an artist residency illustrates the authentic and impromptu essence that street art is known for. Each signed and original mixed media sculpture from this series is a testament to Colla's role as a graffiti legend and a creative force in contemporary art.


  • Spraycan Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago Spraycan Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Rek Santiago Spraycan Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Spraycan Art Train Original All City Style Subway Painting on Wall Sculpture Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist Artist Rek Santiago. 2010 Signed Original Spray Paint Marker & All City Style Train Sculpture One of A Kind Artwork Size 20.25x5x1.75 Signed, Titled & Dated on Back, Tagged On Front Rek & NSA. Original Hand Painted Graffiti on Wall Mountable All City Style Subway Train Platform. Displayed With Box. Box Has Artist-Made Paint Marks. Scattered Soiling & Blemishes Constatant With Age, Great Condition.


  • In Every Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago In Every Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Rek Santiago In Every Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    In Every Art Train Original All City Style Subway Painting on Wall Sculpture Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist Artist Rek Santiago. 2010 Original Spray Paint Marker & All City Style Train Sculpture One of A Kind Artwork Size 20.25x5x1.75 "Life In Every Breath" Original Hand Painted Graffiti on Wall Mountable All City Style Subway Train Platform. Displayed With Box. Box Has Artist-Made Paint Marks. Scattered Soiling & Blemishes Constatant With Age, Great Condition.


  • Life Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago Life Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Rek Santiago Life Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Life Art Train Original All City Style Subway Painting on Wall Sculpture Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist Artist Rek Santiago. 2010 Hand Titled Original Spray Paint Marker & All City Style Train Sculpture One of A Kind Artwork Size 20.25x5x1.75 "Life In Every Breath" Original Hand Painted Graffiti on Wall Mountable All City Style Subway Train Platform. Displayed With Box. Scattered Soiling & Blemishes Constatant With Age, Great Condition.


  • Subways Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago Subways Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Rek Santiago Subways Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Subways Art Train Original All City Style Subway Painting on Wall Sculpture Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist Artist Rek Santiago. 2010 Signed Original Spray Paint Marker & All City Style Train Sculpture One of A Kind Artwork Size 20.25x5x1.75 Signed/Tagged On Front Rekone. Original Hand Painted Graffiti on Wall Mountable All City Style Subway Train Platform. Displayed With Box. Box Has Artist-Made Paint Marks. Scattered Soiling & Blemishes Constatant With Age, Great Condition.


  • Archives Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Rek Santiago Archives Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Archives Art Train Original All City Style Subway Painting on Wall Sculpture Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist Artist Rek Santiago. 2010 Original Spray Paint Marker & All City Style Train Sculpture One of A Kind Artwork Size 20.25x5x1.75 Original Hand Painted Graffiti on Wall Mountable All City Style Subway Train Platform. Scattered Soiling & Blemishes Constatant With Age, Great Condition.


  • From The Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Rek Santiago From The Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    From The Art Train Original All City Style Subway Painting on Wall Sculpture Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist Artist Rek Santiago. 2010 Original Spray Paint Marker & All City Style Train Sculpture One of A Kind Artwork Size 20.25x5x1.75 Original Hand Painted Graffiti on Wall Mountable All City Style Subway Train Platform. Scattered Soiling & Blemishes Constatant With Age, Great Condition.


  • To The Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    Rek Santiago To The Art Original All City Style Train Painting by Rek Santiago

    To The Art Train Original All City Style Subway Painting on Wall Sculpture Artwork by Graffiti Street Artist Artist Rek Santiago. 2010 Signed Original Spray Paint Marker & All City Style Train Sculpture One of A Kind Artwork Size 20.25x5x1.75 Signed RekOne NSA & RekOne WB Original Hand Painted Graffiti on Wall Mountable All City Style Subway Train Platform. Scattered Soiling & Blemishes Constatant With Age, Great Condition.


Original Sculpture Fine Art Graffiti Street Pop Artwork

Exploring the Fusion of Original Sculpture and Statues in Street Pop Art and Graffiti Artwork

Integrating original sculpture and statues into street pop and graffiti art domains represents a significant evolution in contemporary art. This fusion blurs the lines between traditional fine art and the more modern, often rebellious forms of street art, creating a unique aesthetic that resonates with diverse audiences. Historically seen as subversive and often illegal, street pop art and graffiti have gained mainstream acceptance and are now recognized as legitimate artistic expressions. Incorporating sculpture and statues into these forms elevates their status, offering a new dimension to their interpretation and appreciation. Sculptural elements in street pop art and graffiti artwork serve several purposes. Firstly, they add a tangible, three-dimensional aspect to what is typically a two-dimensional medium. This physicality allows artists to explore space and form in ways that are not possible with paint alone. The sculptures often interact with their environment, turning public spaces into interactive art galleries. This interaction between the artwork and the urban landscape is a hallmark of street art and is only enhanced by including sculptural elements.

Artistic Expression Through Sculpture in Urban Environments

Artists who incorporate sculpture and statues into their street pop art and graffiti works often use these elements to comment on social, political, or cultural issues. Sculptures can be powerful tools for storytelling, offering a visual narrative that complements the often bold and striking imagery of graffiti. By placing sculptures in public spaces, artists democratize access to art and invite passersby to engage with their work directly and personally. This public accessibility is a core principle of street art and is crucial to its popularity and impact. The techniques and materials used in creating these sculptures vary widely, reflecting the diverse backgrounds and styles of the artists. Some artists prefer traditional materials like bronze or stone, while others experiment with modern materials like resin, plastic, or found objects. The choice of materials often reflects the message or theme of the artwork. For instance, recycled materials might comment on environmental issues, while more classical materials might be chosen to contrast the old and the new.

Notable Sculpture Artists and Works in the Field

Several artists have gained prominence for their innovative use of sculpture in street pop art and graffiti. These artists often have backgrounds in traditional fine arts but have chosen to express themselves in the more public and accessible realm of street art. Their works can be found in cities worldwide, from New York to Berlin, and often become landmarks in their own right. These sculptures not only beautify urban areas but also provoke thought and discussion among the public. Despite the growing acceptance of street pop art and graffiti, incorporating sculpture into these forms is not without challenges and controversies. The permanence and physicality of sculptures can raise issues around public space usage and urban planning.
Additionally, while some view these works as vital expressions of urban culture, others see them as vandalism or an unwelcome imposition on the urban landscape. Navigating these challenges requires sensitivity and often involves collaboration between artists, local communities, and city authorities. Integrating original sculpture and statues into street pop art and graffiti artwork represents an exciting and evolving field within contemporary art. By combining the physical presence of sculpture with the vibrant visuals of street art, artists create works that are not only visually striking but also deeply embedded in urban life's cultural and social fabric. As this genre continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly bring new perspectives and discussions about the role of art in public spaces.

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