Solidarity- Yellow Limited Edition Hand-Embellished Hand-Stenciled Spray Paint and Acrylic on Coventry Fine Art Paper by Praxis Graffiti Street Artist Modern Pop Art.
"Solidarity, this feeling of mutual support present not only in us humans but identifiable all around the animal kingdom, is what has brought us to overcome, as a society, and as individuals, obstacles and situations that otherwise, many groups, human and non-human, in history, wouldn’t have been able to overcome. "To these days where the worlds duality is part fire and part flooding waters is time to reconsider the way we coexist with it and those living in it. Nature gives us all we need to exist, but we need to protect it, take action and be aware of its importance. I want you to embrace that feeling, I want you to make a better world for all." –Praxis
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