Artwork Description
Contact Study 7 Original Painting/Drawing Acrylic & Colored Pencil on 100lb Bristol Board Paper by Taylor White Graffiti Street Artist Modern Pop Art.
"I started studying a form of modern dance called Contact Improvisation, and that study has opened me up to a new set of curiosities which I’ve been able to explore both physically in space, and visually on the page. It became about the point of surrender, of the sacrifice of the ego and all its trappings. To 'dance' on paper has been entirely mind-opening and I’ve tackled it with a renewed spirit. I’ve been playing with the use of fluorescents to give more of a vibrant mood to the images. I had a lot of fun playing around with the blues and reds in this piece, the push and pull of light and shadow and using vibrance and color to direct focus around the planes of the piece." - Taylor White